Step 1: Smoke a little bit. Step 2: Get three waffles on a plate Step 3: Put nutella on each one : about a 1 tablespoon scoop Step 4: Microwave one for about 27 seconds (for each waffle you add, add about 15 seconds) Step 5: While waiting for it to microwave (this seems like a lot because you smoked a little bit) smoke a fat bowl or two (enough to get stoned) Step 6: Allow to cool, then fold each waffle in half like a taco. Step 7: Enjoy the best munchy you will ever have. If your looking for a thrill add some vanilla ice cream to the finished product
Lmao I did that once, it takes fucking forever to make them lmao. When your sober, it takes about 2 minutes to make. When sorta high it takes about 5- 10 Baked it took me a half hour just to make 4 lmfao
a tablespoon doesn't mean how much fucking nutelle you can get in one scoop hahahah enjoy.... dude what if we fried the waffle/taco then put nutella and vanilla ice cream with crumbles snickers and then fried all that together and made chimicongas!!!! we would be famous we would drive all over the place to all the hipster/music hippy festivals and spread the goodness
Normally i would agree but honestly you don't even notice a difference with the nutella. Also, if its too crispy, it doesnt work as well in a taco shape
I used to do this all the time. It's pretty dandy. I like to add peanut butter, and white chocolate chips and/or butterscotch chips. ... Now I kind of want one.
i have waffle sandwiches almost every morning. my version is a little different. toast 2 blueberry waffles. spread peanut butter on one side and strawberry jam on the other. then in between the two i like to put either trix or lucky charms. shit's bomb as hell. i dread waking up early in the morning but i look forward to my waffle sandwich every time my alarm clock goes off.