I was chilling with my buddies at this park, and we pass these two homeless people i guess, a native indian and an old lody who looked like a gypsy, or the type of really spiritual person. We walk by and she says "Hey alex, long time no see". I've never seen this person before, never even seen them around this area. I wave for no reason and keep walking. Me and my buddies sit on the benches near them and continue smoking the doobie we were smoking on. The lady comes over and asks us if she could smoke some of the joint, we didnt have very much left so we said no. She continued to talk to us, but couldn't speak english very weel, and she said the strangest thing "Im above literature" and the whole time she was just looking me straight in the eyes. I was mind fucked, never met this person before, and they knew my name wack day
Isnt that how fairy tales work with beggars and gypsies asking for spare change, then cursing people when they dont act generously. You didnt let her hit that thing, youre cursed now my man.
we did act generously, gave them a pretty fat 5 bag the whole situation was just really wierd, when she was talking to us i just felt really off like something wasnt right, and one of my buddies felt the same thing too
you fucked up dude you shoulda given her the roach. this bitch probably had some important shit to tell you. ive met people like that before though...they give off one of the strangest vibes.
I know, im thinking of rolling back there tomorrow to smoke a doob, and if their there, i'll give her the roach
Yea I'm going to ask that for sure. I chill around that area to blaze fairly often and ice never seen them there, or any people other then rich white and Asian people so they were even more out of place.Homeless people don't really hangout there