WA Legalization meeting 1:30

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Finnish, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. #3 Finnish, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010

    It was discussed about a week ago, the same day as ab390 got voted on, this is the actual vote.

  2. Ooh this is the vote, I gotcha. Wasn't there an article stating that the vote is going to go 5-3 against?
  3. #5 Finnish, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    Yeah. I think so about 4 or 5 topics down.

    Final verdict.

    5-2 Fail.
  4. 2401 and 1177 are first to be voted on, good luck.
  5. What a fucking joke, his reasoning is because its against federal law? Oh my fucking god this dudes a tool. That was his biggest concern during the hearing last week as well. WHAT. A. JOKE.
  6. So the video lagged what was the final verdict on the first bill?

  7. 5-2 fail

    The decrim might actually pass though, i am having audio problems, however they took a 2 minute break to discuss this.
  8. Nah, both lost 5-3. You could tell Mr.Goodman and Mr.Hurst don't like each other very much, he looked disgusted when he heard the Federal Law / Scheduled I drug reasoning.
  9. WTF?!?!?!?!?! WTF!?!?!?!!?!? BOTH FAILED?!?!?!

    The reasoning they gave on why they voted no are totally wrong. One guy used the reasoning that becuase of the 13 yr old the republicans put up to reading a paper last week at the hearing about how drugs are affecting his school and begging government not to "give up on them" as his reason for not voting. Yeah, take the advice of a 13 year old and ignore all the actually VOTERS who support this. Also they gave the message that it would send to kids that cannabis is safer now that we decriminlized it. WTF!!!?!?!?!??!?!?! Its not harmful you stupid fucks! STOP ALLOWING PEOPLE TO BE PROSECUTED FOR DOING NOTHING MORE THEN SMOKING A PLANT THAT GROWS OUT OF THE FUCKING GROUND. FUCK those people who voted no. Way to support prohibition polices that have clearly failed and each one of you knows it. Fucking pussies....
  10. Save that energy for when you volunteer to be a signature gatherer for the iniative petition so you can call everyone within a 100 mile radius to you
  11. yes your going to vent that engery to the iniative petition it is the only way it is going to be legalized in WA and CALI so you guys better get ready to be the ball if not you can forget it
  12. This is a good summary.

  13. That shit is gay
  14. any chance a bill similar to these might make an appearence again in the near future?
    Or is it the end of the road for safer marijuana in WA?
  15. another one bites the dust.
  16. Well if your in WA and your not collecting signatures, your doing something wrong lol.

    There is an initiative in office for the decriminalization. If I lived in WA I would be holding a big stack of papers going door to door informing people of this failed war on drugs, and debating on the issues they have to support it.
  17. #19 aznno0odles, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010

  18. Hey, as far as I can tell they are just stalling on the initiative as of now. Keep us up to date though, I have emailed the sponsor of the bill and am already contacting places where I want to collect signatures.

    We will only have till June 2 to get 240k signatures but I imagine it will not be all that hard to do as long as they don't stall longer than they should be able to. I read the rules concerning initiatives and from what I can tell if we are not out collecting signatures within a month they are corrupting the process.

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