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wa bud? im new here

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by erofolio, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Ok, So my fiance and I are new to the state. I am a web designer and havecome here for a job I got hired for. We are in Tacoma and are heavysmokers. I hear all the time that the weed is really good around here.We only know 2 people here so far (outside of my job full of non smokers).They both smoke and provide us with some decent stuff, but honestly, itsnot hitting the levels of my expectations from word of mouth.90% of the time we get what they call 'mid grade medical', **NOTE: we arefrom the bible belt and are not used to the medical etc...**Anyway, the bud isnt bad at all and im not complaining, especially when inSC this bud would be 25 a gram and its only 10 here.. But it really doesntfit the hype.So I ask to you what is the best bud around here? is it easy to find and Ijust dont know the right people?if anyone is close to the area feel free to let me know. it would be niceto have a good stoner friend in the area lol.

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