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W9uldnt it be nice to be able to smoke weed anywhere in public?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Deleted member 1157798, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. Imagine if you can legally go to any public place outside or any store and be able to smoke a fat rip from a bong inside a mall or a store and let the smoke and smell upset all the karens and boomers. We used to be able to smoke indoors 100 years ago.

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  2. Yeah cos everyone wants to smoke weed around kids and the elderly.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. It's the world, when I was a kid in the early 2000s in Florida there were trashy people smoking their gay tobacco just outside the Publix, I can still smell it and it was nasty, at least weed smells nice and it's funny yo see jt trigger all the karens and other reprobates. We shame proud druggers like myself for don g my narcotics out in the open while people acting sexually reprobate are promoted, that's really fucked up.

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Wait wouldn't boomers remember smoking inside tho? :laughing::laughing:

    I can't remember smoking indoors because I'm in my 20s. That sounds like some 1950s thing to do. Tho I'm sure people would sneak a little green back then too man. :laughing:
  5. Were talking about a mind altering substance don't go off topic talking about tobacco and other bullshit. Smoking anywhere in public is ok as long as there is no vulnerable people around. Yeah it should be legal but within reason.

    Edit: And it's not the way of the world, maybe in the false reality you live in.
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  6. Need to be considerate of others. It's not your world, but everybody's.
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  7. 100 years ago? Pfft ill be 42 next month, my mom smoked cigarettes in the delivery room while in labor with me..lmfao..smoking wasn't banned in public places like restaurants, bars, hospitals(yes, they had smoke rooms for patients inside) etc till the early 2000s..lmfao..I had my first child in 2004, I had to wait 3 days till I was discharged to have a smoke..lmfao..I agree it'd be nice to just light up anywheres but in all reality not everybody loves the smell of weed..I couldn't be bothered by it, but I dont want my home smelling of it constantly(and my 19 year old hates the smell, it gives him headaches) i grow yes, u can only smell when tent is open but I smoke weed outside, honey oil ill smoke inside because the smell isn't as pungent and it doesn't linger like weed
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Must be some sticky weed , I’ve smoked in the living room before no one even noticed nor could anyone smell weeed .
    Maybe blunts leave more residue?
    It isn’t going to happen smoking in public is toast .
  9. I can legally smoke in any outdoor public place :love-m3j:

    I grew up in the smokey restaurant days and I'm glad they're gone.

    But I gotta admit, sometimes it is awesome. Smoking in an arena during a Motely Crue concert is probably my favourite smoke of my life. :metal:

  10. stinks up my house just busting it up to roll..lmfao
  11. How did you sneak blunts or jS into a concert lol nice .. :love-mj::gc_rocks:
    must be some fire. :pimp: Some weeds like just wow and my dad had some super loud covered in trichomes , but until I can find a job no way I can have any but tried one small nug.
  12. Just threw them in a pack of smokes. Several concerts I've gone to didn't even pat us down so it's super easy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Okay that sems boss as fuck. I want to go smoke at a concert some day.
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