Vote on Youtube

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Darkeligos, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. There may be another thread but we don't have alot of time on this.

    EVERYONE THUMBS UP the marijuana legalization questions.

    YouTube - Kanaal van citizentube
  2. And when will these questions be looked upon and answered?

  3. probably never =\
  4. nope. i knew it.
  5. They say next week so we'll see.
  6. Just search for cannabis, marijuana etc. and thumb-up all the right questions. Let's give that president something to laugh about..
  7. Even if he were to do this and answer some questions (won't happen) it would be hard to ignore how many fucking weed questions there are.
  8. Yeah there's thousands of questions about weed in every category and pretty high-rated too. I saw one question where someone asked if Obama really wants all of America to be stoned by legalizing marijuana. That question had several hundreds thumbs-down's and like 3 thumbs-up's. If he ignores it this time, many people will distrust him seriously, even non-smokers. On it was the top 4 questions. On the youtube channel it's like the top 1000 questions, with some other questions in between. Everyone who browses through the questions will notice the many weed questions. And many people will browse as the link to the channel is on Google's front page, which is like the most used start-page in the world.. If Obama has just the slightest amount of fat between his ears (brains) he would've seen this coming. He can't ignore it anymore and he should know that and have known it for a long time.
  9. Just click "Other" under "Pick a Topic" and you'll see all the Cannabis questions. Vote for them!
  10. let's hope he actually answers this time!
  11. Just so you're all aware, our question has the the highest amount of votes out of all 11,290 questions. :hello:
  12. I'm pretty sure that marijuana has the 3 highest voted spots.
  13. Ha he ignored it. I don't blame him either, there were way too many poorly written questions on the subject.
  14. Who care's, if that was the case, they should have taken the time to realize that this is an US citizen concern and perhaps found one or two with some decent construct.

    I do blame them, they should have found some question related to the subject to ask.

    And if you don't your a fool.

  15. Anyone that does not have a good opinion of pot will look at the questions submitted and think "Oh look at the stupid stoner kids, can't even spell properly!", this is not good for our cause at all. Its good that people want to help, but they need to think before they post something intended to be read by the president. This isn't AIM.
  16. Really? He didn't even mention it?

    What a fucking spineless loser. I've lost much hope for him.

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