Vote against gay marriage ban!!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by BabyToker, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. I am a strong supporter of gay rights. There is a proposed amendment to be added to the United States Constitution banning not only gay rights, but civil unions as well. I am urging everyone (especially in the state of Wisconsin where this issue will be voted on in November) to register to vote if you have not already, and do a small part to make sure this ignorant and unjust law is not put into effect. Here is part of an article I wanted to share.

    "My husband and I, when we decided to marry, did not aspire to a civil union. Having the right to visit each other in the hospital or be listed on each other's insurance wasn't enough for us. We wanted to set aside our individual interests and become a family. If somebody had said to us, 'but what about a civil union? That's practically the same thing!' we could have been scandalized.

    Those of you who think gay couples should be satisfied with civil unions, and the institution of marraige alone, think about this. How would you feel, at your own wedding, if someone said to you, 'why bother with marriage? Have a civil union and be done with it!'

    And how would you feel if that same person then said, 'Actually, forget about the civil union. Forget about the wedding. Just live together.' Would that be an affront to your morals?...

    Consider the proposed law that we Wisconsinites are supposed to vote on this Novemeber: 'Only marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar of that marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state.'

    In case you are wondering what this means in plain English, I'll tell you. it would ban both gay marriages and civil unions. And frankly, this proposal is an affront to my morals. It's an offense against decency, compassion, and common sense.

    In recent weeks, Republican Senators Bill Frist and Wayne Allard have both made the same remark: 'Marriage is under attack.' Yes! It is! And they're the ones attacking it!..."

    The article continues on, but it just frustrates and angers me that people can even consider adding such an *unconstitutional* thing into the country's constitution. We are all created equal, and yet here people are trying to exclude and punish those who are different, who merely happen to have feeling for the same sex. I believe the time and energy spent on this ridiculous proposal should instead be put toward other things to better the lives of citizens, not holding people back.

    This is one belief I hold firmly too and refuse to back down on. I am trying to do what I can in my own area, talking to my friends and just telling them what's going on. I know that my contribution may be small, but it might be enough to raise even a handful of people's awareness concerning gay rights.

    Vote against the civil union ban. Vote for marriage.

    *climbs down from soapbox*
  2. I'm not a supporter of gay rights, I mean I dont care you can be gay, ill talk to you, you can hit on me whatever, I dont care if you get married, but I dont care if yuo cant get married, so theres my opinion.
  3. im not a PRO gay person, but if you gay, thats great, i dont care, you can be gay all by yourself, u dont need to involve me in your gay activities, i wont hate on gays, i wont support them, but i wont ban there marriage either, they should be able to do whatever hetero's can do.
  4. i'm so sick of all these bible thumping hick ass redneck morons flapping their gums about how civil unions or marriage b/w gays will destroy the the sanctity of marriage.

    it's all bullshit.

    i would be ok if they banned gay marriage because marriage itself is a religious thing.

    i think any two consenting adults should be able to enter into a union in which they have all of the same rights as those in a marriage.

    but seriously,
    out of all of the shit that is fucking up our society, it makes me sick that the govt is focusing on bullshit things like passing amendments to ban flag burning and gay marriage.
  5. Very well said!
  6. If two people love each other and want to take that next step and get married, who are we to say that its not right. You cannot help who you love plain and simple.

    I am a married woman, but I didnt need a piece of paper telling me that I was going to be with my husband for the rest of my life.

  7. once again, im not against gay marriage, i would gladly let it happen if i were in charge

    BUT seriously, why are gays getting there panties in such a tangle about getting married though, cant they live together and be JUST as happy.
  8. true nush.

    if it did get passed and i was gay i would just live with my partner. the bonds are unspoken.

    now if the gov't didn't allow unspoken gay bonds, i'd be pissed.

    still stupid to pass a fucking amendment saying that.

    dumbass ignorant gov't.
  9. ditto
  10. I don't care what a person's sexual orientation is. If people can preach all the time about how free this country is, then it shouldnt be an issue if a gay person marries another gay person. I'll worry about my own dick, therefore other people should worry about their dicks and their dicks only.

    What happens in the bedroom is none of anybodies business, and you cant fight love, so if fuckin a dude makes you happy, then right on, be happy!




  11. Personally,

    I don't think gay marriages should be allowed. Since the beginning of time marriage

    has been with a man and a woman. If people were meant to be gay then there

    wouldn't be Man and Woman. People were meant to reproduce, there's no way

    around it. And it's a little known fact that two people of the Same sex cannot

    reproduce. I'll agree with gay marriages when Humans become Asexual.

    And about the Flag burnin. . . . .If you don't like the U.S. that much, then leave!!!

    Sure, there's a TON of stuff I don't like about our Country But then I look at

    what I have. I have a nice house, good job, a wife, a son, food on our table everyday

    running water, a bathroom in my house and I can live my life not being scared of

    what I can say or do. I'm sure there are millions of people in this world that can't

    even imagine what it's like to have it as good as 90% of americans. If you ask me,

    I think those who burn flags Create more of a problem for the rest of us then they

    solve. There is a Democratic way of making changes. This is what distinguishes us

    from third world countries. . . . .:smoking:

  12. There are a lot of additional factors. With marriage comes the options of insurance and other "privileges" that married couples get. If a couple is married, then one of them can add the other to their insurance policies and can take care of them appropriately. People who live together don't have that unless they are lucky enough to work for one of the few companies that offer benefits for "domestic partners". There's also tax issues along with many other things.
  13. This might be up for vote in my state this year. There's a proposed amendment to our state's constitution going through state congress right now but I'm not sure if it will be up for vote or not. I think I read that it might be. But I have noticed that the local newspapers are being kinda "hush hush" about it, which is upsetting to me. Either way I plan on voting against any kind of amendment that bans marriage or civil unions between gays and lesbians. It's really sad that there are people out there who are trying to use our constitution to discriminate. Absolutely terrible.

    If this is how you believe marriage should be then old people shouldn't allowed to be married, barren people shouldn't allowed to be married, and everyone who is married should be forced to have kids or divorce. Sounds awesome! [​IMG]
  14. You know, I wonder how many of yall will have a different opinion on this subject

    once you have children. What if you had a son and he grew up to be gay, I'm willing

    to bet you wouldn't be very happy.

    I'm not a Homophobe, believe it or not but I have a couple of gay friends. They

    know my stance on the subject but they also know I'm not gonna Judge them

    for their decisions. . . .

  15. BUT then again, isnt there a law stating if u live with someone for 7 years or + you are then legally a married couple, or something, so if your gay and are in a state that bans it, then in my opinoin, cant u omve to a new place where you can be truly free? or wait and have this instated. idk if what im talking about is bullshit or not.

    But i guess, im just playing Devils Advocate, i dont really feel this way, its just my logical way of taking it.
  16. when/if i have a child/children son/daughter and they grew up to be a homosexual i would love them just the same as if they were hetero. Its called unconditional love, bro. Learn it.

    Edit: the only thing i would be concerned about for them would be the grief they could get for being homosexual, and even then, if someone fucked with my kid for his sexual orientation i would whoop his ass, similar to if someone were to bash on one of my gay friends IRL. People need to learn how to keep their fucking noses out of other peoples business. If it isn't already your issue, then dont fuckin make it your issue...

    Too much hate in the world today man..
    For real.

  17. he made a great point on reproducing, but then again, your argument was even better, if u have a narrow eurethra, ur not allowed ot be married, so sorry for you, BUT hank and Peggy have to get divorced now lol.

    edit-to add what nexis said abovce my post, he is totally right, i mean, if my son was gay, im not going to go around bashing him lol. its his decision, and you cant honestly expect him to be able to control being able to choose who he loves. but i swear to god, the first time he is in my house and i catch him fucking his lover in the ass ill never talk to him again. i will THEN disown my son lol
  18. damn i see where this is going RMJL is strong in this point..arent ya? i found that out the hard way..but we made our difference and smoked a computer joint

    EDIT- one of my friends just got in a bad car crash and he is only 17 and his urethera got crushed
  19. I do have a son and I wouldn't mind one bit if he were gay. I just want him to be happy.

  20. I think that's gettin a little to technical. I never said anything about divorce because

    I personally Don't agree with that Either. I don't believe you should be allowed to get

    a divorce (unless under certain circumstances i.e. Husband is abusive).

    When you get married you take vows before God. . . .For better for Worse, through

    sickness and IN HEALTH. . . .not just until you get sick of each other.

    Personally I feel that people that get divorces have just given up. My parent always

    taught me that I can Do Anything I put my mind to. The same can be said with

    marriage. You can always reviatlize your relationships, it's just depends on

    how much work and effort you put in to it. People who get divorces in my eyes are

    quitters in 9 out of 10 times.

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