
Discussion in 'General' started by B.T., Jan 17, 2009.

  1. ok, so, I personally have never vomited from smoking. I've almost thrown up before, but that was a combination of weed and alcohol.

    Me and my friend, G, were at our other friend S's house. We're chillin in his basement smoking a few bowls when out of nowhere G just spews all over S's wall. It flys like two feet in front of him. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. He starts apologizing and runs upstairs to get some stuff to clean it with. Me and S go and smoke a cigarrette outside, and I got to wondering, what makes one throw up during/after smoking?

    Sorry if this has been posted 500 times before.
  2. Were you using a bong? I puked once because I inhaled to hard and got a nice taste of week old bong water in the mouth.
  3. If it's strong shit guess it could make a guy woozy...

    But typically weed makes you feel better from that shit.
  4. with my lung infection...if i get to coughing too hard it'll cause a gag reflex and ill hurl...it sucks pretty bad.
  5. I'm gonna guess you were smoking mids or schwagg and not dank right?

    this is how it happens

    A. you gag/choke on too big of a hit, especially with bongs
    B.sometimes u'll get a really fucked up high, and it gives you the spins, cold sweats, looking white as a ghost

    but since you said he puked out of nowhere while you guys were smoking, it was likely A., did he puke right after taking a rip?
  6. We were smoking some pretty good regs out of a regular pipe. He actually started to puke while hitting it. Luckily he saved the pipe, but it was close.
  7. I think I have once, but it was most likely because I was sick and hadn't eaten much.

    I have a friend who's blew chunks maybe 4 or 5 times over the years when we've smoked together. Usually when we use the bong and he takes to big of a hit, but he also throws up easily from other things.

  8. well there u go, mystery solved, he just gagged on smoke, it happens, and sometimes it makes you puke

    option B. is a much shittier way to throwup from weed, people call it a whitey, i just call it weedsick haha.
  9. I have asthma but it doesn't seem to affect that. However I have had the gag reflex forever and it sucks when I get coughing because I go into panic mode and then get sick. I feel better afterwards but I stop for the night so there is no repeat. I guess to many times with pneumonia and bronchitis growing up. Oh well, the great feeling most of the time out ways those few bad moments. 

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