Hey everyone, Glad to find a nice community here to share the enthusiasm for the fine herb. I find myself in a bit of a dilemma that hopefully some of you can shed some light on. I've been smoking off and on for around 6 years and have recently decided that I would like to explore some "healthier" options to protect my lungs in the long run. I would consider myself an "after-work" smoker, usually only needing 2-3 hits from a joint to get myself where I need to be for a few hours. I've been considering getting a Volcano Vaporizer for a while now but am a little hesitant due to the price & herb needed. I have read that in order to get the most out of a Volcano, you should cover the screen entirely with ground up herb. Considering my light-weight status (2-3 joint hits), is there a way to smoke these smaller quantities with the Volcano or would it be overkill? On the upside, I do prefer a more clear-headed, energetic high (sativa-ish) which I have heard a vape will provide. So I guess the question becomes, for my use, does a Volcano warrant the price?
Volcanos pack REALLY small amounts of weed and it is a MUCH healthier alternative to smoking. Get the volcano dude the money is justified.
I got the Volcano classic which is all you need, don't splurge on the digital if your only using it for cannabis. It is def. worth the money if you can afford it. It did put a dent in my bank account but it was much worth it. It does save a lot of money and you really only need a little bit, and the highs last you a long time. The Volcano works awesome, it warms up fast, and is just a great device. There is NO way in hell you could regret buying it after you have used it. All I can say is great things man, it really is awesome. I subscribed to the thread so if you have any questions then post um and I will be glad to answer them. I know that I was so confused and had so many questions when buying my Volcano because it is so much money to invest.
Dont want to come straight out and say that the volcano is waaay over rated....but yea thats what im sayin. Buy the Extreme Tower from Arizer. That is the best one. Volcano = bag plus to high of fan = more air to vapor. No other features... except made in china and lead heating element....horrible The extreme is what i have. Bag + Whip + 3 fan Speeds + remote control + attachable to a bong + hash oil collector + packable screen for hash, pollen, wax ect.... oh yeah and did i say half the price. i use it on the everyday basis and it blows away the volcano. Canadian made, glass on glass, all food and beverage grade tubing, ceramic heating element, FDA approved materials only..... anymore questions pm me... I am a vape-ologist. Peaze! Check out my grow going on now. 1st grow Aerogarden + Bubbleponics system http://forum.grasscity.com/indoor-g...ponics-bucket-drip-system-sour-diesel-bs.html
The Volcano is too expensive and it is unjustified in this regard. There are many other vaporizers that can do better. Since you are looking for a low dosage, check out the MyrtleZap for $145. The vapor tubes hold about .025 grams and it is the most efficient vaporizer on the market (as well as the Purple Days). You can take a few hits and then put the vape away. Check out fuckcombustion.com for MZ reviews and user experiences. Also, while you are there, check out other vaporizers and compare. You will find that, on the whole, the Volcano is not a very popular choice amongst the vapists there.
Please get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. I own BOTH VTower Extreme and the Volcano Classic. The VTower Extreme can't even come CLOSE IMO in the bag aspect. The Volcano blows up the bags much better, and is overall a much better device. And also the Volcano is made is hand made in Germany, not China. Get your facts straight bud.
The 'Cano is a great vape, but if you're only doing 2 to 3 hits a night, there are better choices. Here's an example. The Purple Days along with the Myrtlezap vape are the two most efficient vapes on the market. With either of these vapes, you can get 3 to 4 solid hits from a mere 0.025g. That's 3 to 4 hits from a 40th of a gram. I, like you, only take 3 to 4 hits a night, so for me, a gram lasts me over a month using a Purple Days. Try to load 0.025g in a Volcano and see how satisfying that can be. Here's what I suggest. There is a site called fuckcombustion.com that has more reviews and more information on vaporizers than any site on the internet. You will find users there that own multiple vapes that will offer up some pretty unbiased opinions. You will also find the inventors and the owners of the vape companies of many of the vapes that are discussed here. There is a wealth of vaporizer information there with 100 page threads dedicated to a specific vaporizer. Definitely check it out before laying down 500 bucks on a Volcano. edit: Oops, didn't see Aero's post above. Guess we kinda said the same thing.
FuckCombustion.com is the best place on the net for vaporizing questions and reviews. All those guys know there stuff and are very supportive.
some people prefer vapes but personally i dont like them. it filters out all those extra little chemicals that make the high really nice. having pure THC and cannabonoids doesnt do it for me. but its whatever you prefer!! happy tokin'! p.s. if your going to buy one make sure you try a friends first to see if you like it
The Volcano is popular mainly because of the price. People seem to think that more expensive units are better solely based on price. This is not the case, bag vaporizers are NOT nearly as efficient as some of the cheaper whip style or direct draw vapes on the market now. FC is a great site, the forums have shitliads of reviews and testimonies. One big downside to bag style vapes, beside inefficiency, is the fact that there are so many moving parts that can easily break or malfunction, not to mention there are lots of Other parts that need replacing, and those replacement parts are often expensive as well. Like lwien said, the MOST efficient units are the Purple Days and MyrtleZap. There are also whip style vapes in the 200 dollar range as well, that provide very rich hits, but are not as efficient as those 2 above, but are a little more efficient, and much more conservative then bag style units. Each style is different but bags are not worth it, especially for the price of a good one.
Vaporiers are good but the volcano is hella expensive. I have an Easy vape box vaporizer. I like it because you choose when u wanna hit it and u dont waste bud. The whip is easy to hit. Plus if ur like me stealth is important. With the easy vape i can hit it with my parents right outside my door and there is no smell. Your looking more at health smoking, the easy vape makes a clean smooth vapor that u dont feel on your lungs, plus you get stoned off of like no weed
I have Da Buddha which costs about half the price and it gives me very smooth hits but gets me higher than taking bong rips.
Dude check out the Da Buddha and the Silver Surfer -- both by the same co, slightly diff in price -- the silver surfer is the nicer model and it's $220-ish after tax. Top quality, hand blown whip, etc etc... one or two whipfull's will do you well.
The OP stated that he only does 2 to 3 joint hits a night. Why would you suggest a Buddha or a Silver Surfer for this? 2 to 3 small hits is NOT what the Buddah or the SSV is about. The Purple Days, the MyrtleZap or the LaunchBox IS what that is about. With that being said, VaporBros makes a mini-whip that would fit the Buddha or the SSV which would help in the efficiency department but still wouldn't compare to the conservation of weed that can be realized from the 3 vapes mentioned above.