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Volcano Vaporizer Digital newbie help needed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by VVC19, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Okay so I'm new to the community but not necessarily to toking I've been smoking out of pipes and bongs for some time now but just recently got into the vap scene. I went a bit all in with the volcano but w/e I've read nothing but good things.

    What I cant seem to find is what type of heating regiment I should be using for bowls.

    What I've been doing (with EZ Valve bag)

    Is what we would pack in a normal bowl ground up in the "herb chamber"

    ill run it at:
    365 for 2-3 bags
    367 for 2 bags
    369 for 2-3 bags
    then toss

    I'm mainly worried I'm wasting buds or wasting time with cashed vap.

    I'm not really sure what to look for in a cashed vap bowl.

    Anything anyone with or w/o a volcano with any vap experience would be most graviously appreciated.

    And very lastly is it honestly worth saving the vap csah to make butter with eventually? I only ask because I read it in a few random google searches and I'm just not sure if I should be tossing the shit or not.

    Thanks again and stay frosty gents

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