Does anyone have problems hiding the fact that they're high to other people? I put in eye drops, air out, and wash my hands/face after smoking but as soon as I open my mouth, people immediately know somethings up. I don't really understand because I feel as if I'm speaking normally but my friends will know and point it out. Its a problem because sometimes I'll walk into my classes high and my teacher will treat me differently as soon as I say a word. Does anyone else have this problem and a remedy for this?
i've defiently noticed alot of my friends voices when high are different. Sometimes my voice gets a little laid back but i have no problem in a public place or a pressure situation aka cops parents ect talking and acting normally even when completely ripped. Most of the time when you think everyone knows your high they really don't so try and keep your cool and act as normal as you can haha.
My voice doesn't necessarily change, but my laugh gets really high and odd. Like, ahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA