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Virginia pickup, Bubblegum Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by blink3281, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. WE usually dont have too good shit down here in the VA, but recently i stumbled upon some nice Bubblegum Kush :smoke:

    I thought it was kinda weird that it had like no red hairs, but the shits pooootent. Very strong, smells great, tastes great!


  2. Impressive :wave: enjoy it
  3. Thank you sir :)
  4. Looks sticky as hell, need tweezers to break it up don't you?
  5. mmm i can smell it from here, soo frosty :)
  6. Just vaped some and the taste is amazing :) It tastes smooth as hell, with bubblegum and water :D
  7. i had some blackberryx purp from a local grower like that yesterday. Every few months or maybe once a year do i find bud THAT coated in crystals to where u can barely see the green. one hitter quitter for sure. enjoy that..doesnt come around much often. at least here
  8. True that, it doesnt come often. I just got a new dude so hopefully everything stays this good :)
  9. looks frosty :smoke:

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