Virginia Legislature Considers Decriminalizing Marijuana | The NORML Stash Blog Lets hope for the best guys, there is a good chance of this passing, and then we will be like cali! Anyone have any more news on this, like which VA politicians support this thing. I know both senators are pro-legalization, which must be a good sign.
I just found out about this too, this is great. I just moved to VA a few months back. Anyone know who we could write to about this?
I just got a massive hard on here...I dream of opening a dispensary. Looks like we need to support HB 1134 which decriminalizes ganja and HB1136 which legalizes for medi use like cali and colorado. Hellls fuckin yeah..I cant wait!! LIS > Bill Tracking > HB1136 > 2010 session LIS > Bill Tracking > HB1134 > 2010 session
yea 500 dollar fine for weed, but you can grow 5 plants legally. So as long as you grow your own weed and keep it at home there shouldn't be harsh at all.
I agree decriminalization is not the best thing, we need complete legalization but as you say this is a step in the right direction
shit this may be one small step for government kind, but its a hell of a leap for us spiritual...ehh, medical users out here.... hell to me the former and the latter arent much different but i am 4 damn sure that my spirits will be thru the stratosphere if this one passes......
I'm sorry, but hope is not a strategy for success. We need to get smart and get active. Pot really is a medical nessessity and if the "grass roots" don't get control of it, the pharmaceutical will. They have already developed synthetic marijuana in Marinol and they will try to get only the synthetics to be legal ( VA thats the case I believe). Lets keep working and talking. Does anyone know of a NORML in Hampton Roads? Take care.
hey i lived in virginia for a few years, thats whats up, now only if nebraska and the rest of the states would get to it, we wouldnt have to wait for supreme court
dude we just need an american marc emery.... i'll volunteer just let me go in to the hyperbolic time chamber and train so that i can take out flocks of over ambitious pig fucks who try to arrest me for my rights to protest......
Haha excellent, I just moved to VA last year; This could be a great thing, considering how harsh the laws are with MJ users here.