Video of me blazing up guitar mightily stoned

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Mr Stoned, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. It's an improvisation based on Bobby Got a Shadfly Caught in His Hair by Sufjian Stevens. I've been playing 2 and a half years. Guitars are MAGICAL instruments and my only wish is that I started learning when I was 12 and not 16.

    [ame=]YouTube - Bobby Got a Shadfly Caught in His Hair Freestyle[/ame]
  2. thats pretty good. im trying to learn to play now. im 18 and wish i would have started earlier, back when i had plenty of time to spare. do you know if its easier to learn on accoustic or electric ? cause i have both..
  3. Cheers man

    I find electrics are much easier on the fingers; acoustic strings are thicker and press really hard into your skin. Plus you have the hold the strings much tighter against the fretboard, otherwise it will probably make a disgusting 'BADOINK!!!' sound that will desecrate your ear drums.
  4. I love the occasional glance at the camera

    "You guys gettin' this shit?"
  5. Awesome bro sounds good, keep it up. I started playing when i was 13 (19 now) and it was honestly the best decision ive made in my life to pick up a guitar.

    and Hazedout, you should start on the electric first if u can cause it'll feel 10 times better on your fingers!
  6. Learn acoustic, that way when you switch to electric, it'll be a breeze. Acoustics also strengthen your fingers quicker and better.
  7. I love jamming on the guitar when I'm stoned as fuck. I always make up the coolest shit like ideas are just flowing.
  8. Thanks for the nice comments guys
  9. great playing, i love playing my twelve string acoustic, they sound so awesome
  10. Aah, me too =)
  11. We should jam.

    [ame=]YouTube - shawn killin on bass[/ame]
  12. Funk-D How long have you been playing? cause I started around a year ago and I am def not that good....:rolleyes: Good looks tho.. that stuff near the end was funky fresh.

  13. It's a ken Lawrence custom not mine it belonged to one of the guys in my jazz band group thought it was awesome to he let me play with it for awhile.

    I've been playing since I was 12 I'm 20 now so about eight years give or take is how long I've been playing.

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