Check out the owner JP from Toro. This guy makes some sick tubes but damn check out what a silly clown he is!! LoL this almost makes me want to sell my Toro stuff lololol. Nah JK but before you ask. YES THIS IS REALLY HIM. Enjoy the laughs. I really do like the Frothilator and double Frothilator tube he makes tho. Looks like an oversized Syn Showercap design. Stacks hard!! [ame=]YouTube - jp glass[/ame]
I know what you're sayin, I know what you're sayin, DEAMMMNnnn. Uh huh. Uh huh. LoL i hope this homie aint this faded when hes blowing our tubes
Damn, this dude is making his company look soo unproffesional.. I CAN DO THIS SHIT ALL DAY LONG BABY! MHMM!
Notice how the video doesn't show on his channel? I think he doesn't like this vid all over grass city because people who don't know him will say 'oh god, what a douche' because he acts kinda lame in the video.. But dude it's just a video so whatever.. where the good vibes at ! Toro Glass is amazing! I could hit that all day long too. He speaks the truth .
aahaha the OP was making me crack up and this video right as it starts i start geekin. with the fucking hat sideways and the douchy facial hair def some SICK pieces tho. id love to have any of those
Assuming he makes alot more then 100g+ a year think the guy could afford a shave and some decent clothes lol considering hes represent a "high end" company.. funny shit tho thx for the post guy
I have a number of TORO pieces. I'm not impressed with anything they make. I do like the bowls with the handle on it, but not all day. Will not ever buy another after seeing this.
Could you explain why you're 'not impressed with anything they make'? Because there are stunning Toro pieces out there that are just so.. impressive!
Wasn't a fan of Toro so much before watching this, but now...smoking out of a Toro tube and thinking about how this bong came from a company reflecting the image of JP is a buzz kill in itself. What a douche bag.
Sideways hat and ignorance just oozing from his pores.......what a piece of dumb shit. I'll NEVER buy one of his pieces. Nomesane? Nomesane? Nomesane?