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Video: A 93 Year Old Great Grandmother Smoke Weed For The First Time With Her Son

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by The Grasscity Post, Nov 18, 2014.

    \t93 year old Great Grandmother tries Marijuana Legally in Washington State
  2. i would say it truly was grandmas first smoke but she sure made her son look like a puss! 
    looks like grandma really likes it haha
    Lol, dunno, maybe. The video was funny and cute with the grandma :)
  5. funniest shit ever...
    - grandma, like stfu noob... it's a joint. now let's hit it. (5 min into the video)
    - 10 min later.... he's admitted that mom "smoked him under the table"
    - mom 1 - son 0 
  6. The son did fine, but if you watch grandma, she never inhales. So in reality, she only puffed it like a cigar.

    Let her inhale like the 3 granny's hitting the bong and playing games, and then we'll see a real transformation!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. It's very good to see our seniors citizens expanding their interests and overseeing the mislead information. 
  8. #9 BuryMeInTrichs, Jan 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2015
    she looks stoned to me. lol awesome.
    notice how quiet they get compared to the start of video. Stoned to the 93 year old bone..
  9. #10 Deleted member 830888, Jan 15, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
    I've seen this video and I'm sorry to be a buzz kill but they didn't even get high as far as I could stand watching them smoke one of those GARBAGE pre-rolls they sell here in the US.
    If you ever come to the United States and gain access to legal marijuana NEVER BUY A PRE-ROLL!!!  They fill those things with that BOOK-BOOK (pronounced like "buke" rather than a reading book) NASTY SHIT and you won't even be high AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
    Seriously pre-rolls are about a gram for only $10 each and these places all want $20-$25 for a gram of remotely decent pot and you should know better than to go cheap in one of these bullshit dispensaries.
    You get what you pay for..... sometimes anyway ;) ;) ;) ;) ;).
    Edit:  And in case you missed my previous post about this these so-called AAA cannabis providers and growers are selling FAKE WEED!
    In the sense of fraudulent strains.  Who has ever heard of White Widow being BOTTOM OF THE BARREL DOG SHIT?  How about Hash Plant and Early Girl being garbage you would have to pay ME to smoke??????
    And don't you dare tell me I'm ridiculous because clearly, if that's the case, you lack experience with 90% of the weed that's out there and you live in a little bubble of """good""" weed where you just don't know what it's like in REALITY.
  10. Why are you so pissed that Granny, is just for the first time, trying to get high?   :confused_2:
  11. #12 Deleted member 830888, Jan 15, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
    Oh no not another one of these guys who can't read.... *SIGH*
    Edit:  OK I will just "break it down" for you since you apparently lack skill in reading comprehension.
    I am clearly upset at the SHITTY WEED that they're pushing out there as HIGH GRADE MARIJUANA.
    Why don't you ask Colorado about that cause the recreational market was FLOODED with BASURA (spanish for garbage) according to a good friend of mine who went to Medicine Man, a so-called top-notch Coloradan dispensary.
    Granny getting high is fantastic.  Why the hell else would I watch that video?
    You think I'm one of those dumbasses who like watching videos they don't like to watch just so they can bitch and troll in the comments????!!!!
    Second edit:  I apologize for the inflammatory remarks.  I'm sorry for what I said.  I'm just a little upset at the first guy who did this because apparently he doesn't want to be cool even when I give him the tools he needs to enter the middle class as a Christmas present.
    Oh....I thought the topic of this thread was about Granny trying weed, not the quality of said weed......
  13. #14 Deleted member 830888, Jan 15, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
    Hey look!  Another person who doesn't get it!
    Watching people smoke hit after hit off a pre-rolled joint and totally failing to feel a god damn thing doesn't call for discussion of the shitty weed they put into joints from legal sources??????????!!!!!!!!
    You guys are fucking ridiculous.
    This site is about community and good vibes. In fact the forum guidelines clearly state that disrespect and name calling are not allowed. If you can't interact in an adult manner, then don't respond. ICGreen
  14. You realize she didn't even fuvking inhale don't you? And even if she did who's to say they would of gotten blitzed their first time? As most do not. So dude chill the fuck out and smoke One
  15. Pre rolls I get from dispensaries are perfectly good, who said these came from a dispensary or a rec shop or anything anyway? They asked for weed and friends knew they didn't have a piece...makes sense to roll up some joints for a friend who doesn't smoke enough to buy paraphernalia to me...dude above is just an angry individual
  16. The quality of what they're smoking has nothing to do with the topic. You're choosing some weird little thing to bitch about. You don't even know if it was a pre-roll. They can't just be smoking a joint they already had? I honestly hope you're trolling and not serious. Either way, why be like that?

    I thought the video was pretty awesome. It's cool being able to witness something like an old lady smoke for the first time. The Internet is crazy.
  17. I love the two handed grip Granny's got going there :laughing:

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