
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Highasapie, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. :confused: Could you use vibration to accelerate the growth of a cannabis plant?:smoke::confused:
  2. Why would you think that you could?

    I know nothing about horticulture but I've never heard anything about vibrations effecting the growth of plants. :confused:
  3. Nope. Saw it on Mythbusters.

  4. So you're saying you saw an episode of Myth Busters were they tested a myth to see if you could use vibration to accelerate the growth of a cannabis plant?
  5. That would be an awesome episode if it really aired.

    I'd love them to do a drug myth episode, kinda like the drunk driving one.
  6. Only good vibrations.
  7. Okay so after reading everybody's posts it is very obvious that a lot of you have no clue what y'all are talking about. Don't take offense, I'm no expert either just throwing what I know and have gathered.

    So myth busters tested SOUND on a plant that repeated every few hours for several weeks. Sound basically is vibrations but not as intense.

    Myth busters has absolutely no right to have a say in this thread because during their experiment they stopped watering the plants for a week because their watering system gave out of them. When they returned all of their plants were dehydrated. Enough said.

    There have been research conducted to show that plants can sense death around them, can recognize people and yes, sounds that affect plant growth.

    From what I have gathered (again, I'm no expert) myth busters did their experiment on sound. They had one person talking rude, another talking nice, cheery music and death metal. Myth busters was testing which sound worked the best for growing which was death metal in the end. This is because death metal has the highest vibrations for their experiment. I would be willing to put money that if they had a sub woofer for one of their grow rooms playing rap music, I bet that plant would win. So yes, vibrations can help a plant growing from that I understand, researched and have gathered.
  8. If you're talking about the Mythbusters episode, they weren't tested plants' response to the physical sound waves, but rather the emotional effects of violent versus calming music.

    I would imagine physical sound waves would help to strengthen a plant in the same way that controlled stress testing and wind does. Would it be a noticeable difference? I have no idea; but the ideas behind the theory make enough sense to me.
  9. #9 Parallelism, Dec 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2009

    The emotional effects of violent versus calming music is measured in vibrations.

    "Sound is a form of energy. It is produced by the vibration of particles and it travels in a wave-like motion. The number of waves passing a point per second is called the frequency and its unit is Hertz"
  10. Well yeah, sound is obviously a force, which can be measured in vibrations. What I'm saying is that in Mythbusters, they weren't trying to see whether or not vibrations affecting growth, but rather if plants had some sort of conscience that reacted to the emotional stimuli and affect development much like in humans. It's silly, but that's Mythbusters, and it had some interesting results.

  11. Since plants can't gather emotion they gather the resources they have, they feel the vibrations and assess it as is.

    This is why the 'hard core' music plant did so well, it had the strongest vibrational feel and grew accordingly.

    My point is, if you have a plant and you whisper stuff like "you're so cute" and another plant and whisper "you're such a *censored* the plant only concludes the whispers and grow from there.

    If you have death metal that is "I'M GOING TO KISS YOU ON THE NECK BECAUSE I'M ON LOVE WITH YOUUUUU!!" and "SLIT MY WRISTS" the plant can't tell the difference, it is all about the tone.

    I'm giving you +rep for the pro discussion and forcing me to look on google. I think I love you. :hello:

    Again, I might be wrong, there have been some crazy studies with plants. I watched this thing where there was a woman who was told to rip apart a plant and kill it next to another plant that was hooked up to a system.

    Long story short, when the woman entered the room again the plant started freaking out, giving electrode levels that were going crazy. I'm sure I can find the link if requested. Also, another plant could tell when death was present. It was nuts.
  12. The sound thing seems obvious to me but, that thing about death is freaky!
  13. :laughing:
  14. #14 johnk, Dec 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2009
  15. Huh?

    Sound is a perception, actually. Molecules vibrate, bump into each other, and pass the particular pattern of that vibration along. If and when such vibrations reach our ears, those vibrations are sensed and our brains interpret them as sounds. Every sound is a vibration, or more specifically is the perception of a vibration.

    The old riddle "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?" is more true that most realize -- if no one is there to "hear" it then no, the tree did not make a sound. It vibrated the hell out of the ground and the air around it, but it takes ears connected to a brain for those vibrations to be a "sound."
  16. Yeah, but the tree next to the one that fell over just grew 4 inches!

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