Viagra and Acid/shrooms

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Mr.Weatherbee, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. When i do acid and some times while on shrooms i cant maintain an erection. Would it be safe to take viagra with acid or shrooms. I know it lowers your blood pressure. I have like an unlimited supply of the damn things, friends a pharm.
  2. lol y do u want a hard on when ur trippin?
  3. Maybe he's with a girl?..

    Well, I don't see why not you can't take it with Lysergic acid diethylamide.
  4. yea man.

    i always pop a blue rhombus if im tripping and might be doing the horizontal boogie.

    its not that bad for you,

    coke is worse, and i do mix that with acid all the time.
  5. Shit man, i might try that. My ole lady loves to bump uglies whilst we trip. I can get an erection but one pop and I'm out. Hard to concentrate and all.
  6. It seems like it would be all right, but I would pop one after I come off my peak. Could get uncomfortable after a bit if you are tripping hard and have a raging erection.
  7. if your friends a farm..
    why not ask him?
  8. QFT

  9. Maybe they dont teach you the side effects of psilocybe and Viagra in pharmacy 101.
  10. Viagra elevates your heart quite a bit, an upper for you penis if you will. The beautiful thing about mushrooms is they do not change the functions of your body except for your brain. No elevated heart rate, no body temperature fluxation.... So combining shrooms with a stimulant is a okay as long as you moderate your heart rate and hydrate a little.

    Just make sure not to bang your penis into a state of disrepair on those little blue devils.

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