Very very BAD situation.. what should I do..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Highest, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. #1 Highest, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    First things first, before I tell the story keep in mind that this happened in the past 2 hours and yes, it was a very bad idea

    So me and my friend Greg were lookin for something to do when we realized our only connect for bud (both our cell phones are broken) was up at Uconn for the night. So we decided to try to get some alcohol, but our only connect for that was at Rutgers in new jersey.. so being dumb and 18, we decided it'd be good to try to walk into a liquor store and get alcohol.

    So the first place we went to I walked in, thought I was gonna get a sale because the guy charged me but then he asked for my ID. So i said i didn't have it on me and he politely said he couldn't sell to me so I said "fine, thank you" and left. We decided to try one more place since it was close by anyways, so I walked in, got a 12 pack of Miller and went to the counter.

    This is where things started to go south.

    He asked me how old I was so I said I was 21..he asks for ID but I said I didn't have any on me. He asked if my friend had ID because then he could sell to us, so I said yes, and I walked out to his car and told him what the situation was. He said no let's get out of here, which I agreed to but the fucker inside still had our money. So the guy starts walking out, and we realized he was getting our license plate I was like fuck this, I ran back inside got the money and he was at the entrance blocking me from leaving. He asked for ID and where I lived so I didn't lie, told him what town I was from hoping he would be nicer if I was honest.

    Now I did have my license on me, but there was no way in hell I was giving that up so I said look sir, I'm very sorry can you please just let me leave your store, he said "give me your ID and you can leave", so I said fuck it and gave him my Permit.. which is old and I was hoping he would just shrug it off after I left, so we were both nervous so I told him that it'd probably be better off if we went home and just layed low for the night.. he agreed and now I'm here typing this nervous as fuck and hoping a cop doesn't show up at my house or something


    so a cop just came to my house, with my ID in hand. my parents walk to the door and say "what the hell is going on", so the cop comes in and goes, hello I'm officer (etc. etc.), would you like to tell your parents what happened tonight? (so I tell them the whole honest truth, my parents are pissed as fuck) and the cop goes, "you know I could arrest you right now" and I said yes sir I know, I'm sorry and I have no excuse and he said "I'm glad you're honest, don't ever pull this crap again, goodnight guys" and he left. My parents stood there in shock and yelled at me for a good 10 minutes, how I'm not allowed out until I get a job. That is going to suck big time but I am so thankful I didn't get arrested, it would've ruined my life. Honestly, what a nice police officer.. I'm so relieved but honestly I am NEVER going to try that shit again. very stupid idea.
  2. its crazy how you guys in the states get so much hassle over buying alchol :( it seems so petty that the cops would even bother and wtf is up wiv the guy in the store?? not cool.....
  3. Lol what would the cops do if they did catch you? (Im from the UK).
  4. Thats wackk bro. Yo in my hood even though im 19, I can walk to the corner store and get myself a sixer like that. It all depends where you live. Did you at least get your money back, idk your writing confused me...:confused_2:
  5. That's ridiculous. I understand them not selling to you but calling the cops on someone 'not having an ID' is crazy. There's no way I would have given the guy my ID.
  6. I'm sorry, yeah I got my money back

    and technically I could get arrested
  7. By the way, liquor stores are the worst place to go if you're underage. Try a run down looking gas station or convenience store. There's a place by me that looks dirty as fuck but has a sign right next to the register saying "You must have ID if you appear under 30" and they don't ID anyone.
  8. Dude how the hell are they gonna arrest you? You didnt do nothing wrong. Why the fuck did you give him your damn permit? Shouldve pushed his ass out of the way. I dont think you did ne thing wrong here.
  9. If some random guy ever tried to stop ME from leaving the store with MY money, I would probably smash on that foo. Either that or tell him his store is going to be subjected to having some fucked up shit happen. And he tried to get your license plate? I wish this type of stuff would happen to me so I may truly see what kind of stuff I would do. Never give authority to people who aren't shit.
  10. They don't sell alcohol in gas stations here in connecticut, or at nights or on Sundays because my governor is a piece of shit. Also you can be arrested here for trying to by liquor underage, which is why I was trying to leave peacefully

    And I really don't understand why the fucking drinking age is 21 in the U.S. in the first place... in Mexico it's like 13. Me and my friend were gonna go back to his place, chill was some girls and sleep over, not get trashed or go driving or something. I think the majority of kids who drink underage would never drink and drive, unfortunately the minority ruins it for everyone.

  11. Fo sho
    The dirty dive corner stores are less likely to harass you.
    Oh and for the future - say you're 23, and say your wallet got stolen/lost;)
    If you say 21 - they will always ask for ID - I learned that at 15 going to bars, I hardly ever got carded:D
    Of course this doesnt work if you have a baby face:p
    Good Luck:smoking:
  12. Yeah, I have braces too so that was probably a dead giveaway.
  13. Dude, you handled that situation well. The guy not letting you just leave - that's messed up. He had no reason to stop you for not having an ID on you and just leaving. But props for telling the truth in front of your parents/the cop. If you lied you probably would be in a very worse situation.
  14. You went into bars at 15 and never got caught? I have a hard time believing any bouncer would believe a 15 y/o was a 23 y/o
  15. What I allways do is say I got a ticket that i just paid and didn't get my license back yet. Works well most the time.
  16. (Im on my wifes account)
    At 15 I had a pretty good gotee going, and I acted like I owned the place when
    I walked in the joint. If they asked it went like this:

    (sits at bar)
    Bartender: Hey
    Me: Yea - Gimmie a Bud
    Bartender: Eh - How old are you?
    Me: 23 - Bud draught - Thanks
    Bartender - $1.50 please

    Im dating myself here but - that was back in like 92, they werent as crazy about it then I guess lol.
    I never said it was fool proof - but it worked 80% of the time. Shit when I had my 21st b-day at my regular bar - the owner (who I had become friends with) about shit himself - Id been going there over 5 years lol.
    Yanno that prick banned me for a week:mad::laughing:
  17. #17 ImTheJoker4u2, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010

    Let me clarify - ^^^^ Thats me lol Angel is my wife - By the time I realized I was on her account - I had already posted lol.
    I was pretty "metal" then, leather jacket, and a real fucking bad attitude. I didnt "ask" for a beer - I TOLD them I was having a beer lol.
  18. Should have bum rushed the guy...fuck, could have even chucked some bottles of vodka at the fucker. "I just wanna go home!" *throws bottle
  19. All for a 12-pack of Miller.. LAWLZ
  20. you have to know the cutty spot to do that shit. i walk down to the Ethiopian corner store near my house where the guy has known me by name since i was 7 and knows im not 21 and he sells me all the alcohol i could want

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