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Very Ready for Tonight

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by happytrails420, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Just got finished rolling a 3g joint with the rest of my kush but was in the mood to rip my zong tonight so look what i came up with!


    Im ready to blast off tonight!

  2. That's 3 grams?......
  3. Oh man, that's so stupid.
  4. you're only smoking extra paper with the weed
  5. but if ur gonna hit it all outta the bong just unroll it, sooooooo much more efficient and no paper in ur smoke
  6. Never smoked a bong, only smoked doobies.

    Mate, just pack a bowl and smoke, you might not even need to pack another one, plus you'll have so much more weed left over, don't be dumb.
  7. [quote name='"Blunt Ashez"']That's 3 grams?......[/quote]

    Yessir its packed pretty tight tho,

    Air tight joints FTW¡!!
  8. People! I just wanna chill and get retarded in one sesh with minimal effort, hence the joint bong!

  9. You can get retarded by just packing like three bowls and then relaxing, that'll get you high.
  10. Seriously? Just load bowls with that bud, the joint is gonna remain lit even when you aren't taking a hit so its going to waste weed as if you were smoking a joint. Just load some bowls.
  11. [quote name='"burtontoker"']Seriously? Just load bowls with that bud, the joint is gonna remain lit even when you aren't taking a hit so its going to waste weed as if you were smoking a joint. Just load some bowls.[/quote]

    Not that big of a deal it barely makes a difference in the high because really not that much smoke is lost
  12. I also want to try something new and mix shit up a bit u guys kno?
  13. I think its a great idea OP. I just wanted to encourage you cuz of all the neg comments in this thread lol.
  14. thats not 3 grams no matter how tight you pack it..

  15. [quote name='"happytrails420"']

    Yessir its packed pretty tight tho,

    Air tight joints FTW¡!![/quote]

    You do realize that if it were truly airtight you wouldn't be able to smoke it, right?
  16. Opinions on the best way to smoke aside, I like your bong. It looks pretty sick. How tall is it? 8-10"?
  17. seems useless unless you like smoking paper that is not needed?
  18. hey man put some weed in the bowl around the joint so it doesnt fall out... this way youll be left with a nice bong hit at the end
  19. that is not 3g man, that looks pretty skinny for 3g
  20. [quote name='"ignila"']Opinions on the best way to smoke aside, I like your bong. It looks pretty sick. How tall is it? 8-10"?[/quote]

    Right in the middle, its 9"

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