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very noob question but i need help

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by weezy f stoner, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. ok so i usually dnt smoke alot so ive never had the chance to smoke out of a bong and igot invited to smoke with a friend in his new bong, and idk how, what are the essential things i need to know.
  2. ask your friends. They will love to show you.
    Just don't breath out or you will get the weed wet.
  3. Be prepared to cough. It is very harsh if your just starting to smoke. You will get high as hell though but your going to gag your brains out.

    If its a water bong it'll be smoother but a steamroller is going to knock you on your ass.
  4. #4 Shanx420, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    They are a little confusing at first, though strangely I don't really remember why lol. Like trying to understand why you had such a hard time learning how to drive a car or something.

    But uhh.. I dunno, just put your lips to it and pull enough so that it bubbles (don't pull too hard though). It's really hard to know how long you should pull without over pulling. I'd say, drag it for about 3 seconds, then pull the slide all the way out and clear all the smoke out.

    Oh, also, don't be affraid to pull harder than you would on say a pipe or bubbler. The hits will be smoother than either of those, plus you don't have to worry about getting lunched. You know it'll be a great hit when the whole slide is just glowing orange lol, so light it and pull it hard enough so that it gets like that.
  5. your friends should be chill. there is one major rule I have when friends toke up my roor and that is NEVER blow air into the mouthful or cough in the bong cuz the water will shoot up thru the diffuser downstem and into the beautiful bowl attached messin up ur smoke.

    Another thing is to be careful with the joints if they are glass on glass. With glass on glass joints they can either be carefully twisted to lock them in but some people prefer them loose. Either way when you go to inhale your milk be careful to just pull the bowl out. No one likes a broken piece (like my roor):(

    Another thing to be respectful never leave smoke in the bizzle after you hit it and pass it.

    they should explain to you how to use it. Who knows mayb its a ceramic or somethin easy
  6. This may be obvious to you, but you put your lips kind of inside the mouthpiece, not around it. Smoked with a noob one time and it looked like he was trying to deepthroat the bong. Don't do that. Enjoy it, I still remember how ripped I got off my first bt's.
  7. There's a link to a guide in my signature that has everything that you need to know (and probably a lot of things you don't).

    As far as hitting it goes, ask your friends, especially the owner - he'll teach you how to use it right if he doesn't want you fucking it up, and nobody wants a fucked up bong.

    Hold it gingerly, treat it with respect, listen to what your friends tell you, and you'll have a good time.
  8. man, your friends should be nice about it, they're probably super excited to watch you hit it for your first time, just go with it ask questions and learn, you will be fine, but off your first bong man your going to get fucked out of your mind man, so have fun
  9. Lol well, if it has a choke (thats a hole you cover/release to clear the tube) then you will have to cover that hole with your thumb. If there is no hole, then you will need to pull out the bowl piece, when there is enough smoke in the tube/chamber.
  10. thanks for all the feedback guys truly thank you
  11. Here's what you need to do: one: cover the carb(hole somewhere on the side), light the bowl(hold the lighter on/near the mj) and start sucking. wait until the stem is filled with smoke, and then take your finger off of the carb hole. as soon as your release our finger, suck the smoke in. take your mouth off the bong, exhale. and there is a guide to this in the stickies. check there.

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