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very minor plastic melting on my vape...should i be concerned? (pic if nec.)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Reasonian1227, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. I use an easy valve setup and every now and then the chamber sticks to the rubber circle of the vape, sometimes leaving very minimal amounts of residue there. Should I be concerned about vaping right after this? And is there any way I can fix it?

    I'm only vaping around 360.
  2. If there's any plastic melting while your using your vape that can be really dangerous for your health.

    Can you post some pics so we can get a better idea?
  3. I will post a pic of the rubber circle that is being affected. Its really just very small amounts, not every time but sometimes the bottom will stick
  4. Apparently I can't post pics on here that are stored on my phone...
  5. anyone else know anything? Very concerned
  6. Well my only concern is your vaping temp, i would start off at around 310-315 then work myself up to 340-350 SLOWLY, 360 is way too high.

    Personally other than that i have no idea, is the easy valve the bag vape?
  7. Sounds extremely dangerous, I dont know what to think..
  8. #8 Reasonian1227, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    Hmm...well it's isn't the best batch of responses I could get but nonetheless it's someting that had to be addressed. I will buy a solid valve fairly soon. Also you must understand that the taste is not affected at all; (fortunately enough the stuff I have right now tastes exactly how it smells.). I would assume after one hit, even if some other very dangerous plastic chemicals are getting into my bag, they're being used up immediately, and only once.
  9. What do you guys think? And does any 1 here know how to uPload p
  10. Pics to here?
  11. I get the feeling the 'plastic' is just vapor oil leaking and sticking...nothing being 'burned'.

    Old unit?
    Well used?
    maybe it's just got that much oil residue built up that it sticks now...clean it?
  12. #12 Reasonian1227, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    I would be so very glad if the Theory you posited holds true. Unfortunately I da post pics of the plastic easy valve chamber, which has damage all around the bottom. Still, I withhold hope for your theory. The brand is Apex and its essentially identical to he volcano, with a digital read and such.

  13. Try emailing the pics to yourself and downloading them; then upload them by "managing your attachments".

    Does it look like the rubber has been burnt at all or even alittle shrunken or warped?

    Personally I wouldn't smoke out of it until you figure out if it is heating the rubber.
  14. Nah its not heating the rubber in that sense; the diesgn would be completely fucked if it was.

    Its just heat causing the plastic of the easy valve to "melt" I suppose,

    But its very minimal, and im not as concerned as befroe, as im sitting right next to it.
  15. I made the spot where the plastic melts my prof pic.

    Its pretty miniscule considering you really cant even see it.
  16. What is there and noticeable is around the edges
  17. Not clear enough for me to really tell, but I would definitely be cautious and I wouldn't use it for long periods of times.
  18. Hmm. Well I have started using 340 degrees which makes it impossible for this bill shit to happen ha. Unless the residue plastic on the rubber has an infinite amount of harmful chemicals stored (which it certainly doesn't), it should no longer be considered a concern. But if something happens I will post a clearer picture somehow.
  19. I mean just stucking with 340 or so should remove this problem, correct?

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