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very first pick up but a few quesitons

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by enlightend, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. So i got my first pick up today where i actually have to sort the seeds and stems my self. I know i got all of the seeds but how do i know which stems i can smoke and which i cant? I got the big stems but are the little ones smokable? And even if i do smoke a stem is it as bad as smoking a seed?
  2. Personally, I think smoking the stems isn't harmful, but pointless. Some people say it gives them a headache. I usually just pick out all of the stems, the big and little ones, so they dont rip holes into my joints or blunts. But other than that, I don't think it makes a huge difference.
  3. The stems contain thc, no where in the amount that the bud does though. Most people pick out all the stems cause they dont see inhaling carbon monoxide from the stem a good trade off for the amount of thc you get. Some people claim it gives them headaches. Its all preferance. Small stem pieces grinded up with your bud isnt going to harm ya.
  4. You bought just seeds and stems? without any nugs..:confused:

    i'm super confused man lol.

  5. So you just bought stems and seeds?
  6. Do not smoke any stems or seeds, just the bud. :p
  7. just get a good vaporizer then u can just vaporize the stems and not worry about getting a headache from smoking the stems

  8. I gotta ask the same question already posted....did you really just buy stems & seeds? haha I mean it's cool if you did, considering it's your first pickup. If it looks like this but with a couple seeds in the actual nug [and the buds are just attached to the stems], then you're still good. I usually pick out the biggest stems and save them for cannabutter or something. I keep the seeds and I usually give them to my friend, he's interested in growing. Some people toss both the seeds and stems, but it's really up to you.

    If it looks like this, you've been ripped off hardcore and you should probably make sure you get a legitimate nug next time.

    Can you post pics?
  9. Don't smoke seeds, everyhing else toss into the bowl. The best advice anyone's going to give you here is don't buy weed with seeds and stems, try to find some connections for dank. If you did just buy stems and seeds with no nuggets, you fail.
  10. i hear people talking about this alot, it wont HURT hurt you to smoke a stem, maby a headache in some people, dousent give me a headache. but ya if you want i would suggest not smokeing the fatty stems and a little stem wouldent matter if you smoke it.
  11. sorry i might have been a little unclear i bought bud (which smells very nice btw) i was just picking out the seeds and stems what i meant was if i accidentally leave a few small stems in there and smoke them will it hurt me?
  12. Not at all! Small stems are fine, big stems taste like shit but are still alright to smoke if you don't mind the slight headache, but seeds are a no-go for smoking.

    Happy blazing, amigo :smoking:
  13. Why does everyone assume he only bought stems and seeds?

    That is not even implied ANYWHERE in this text yall... Goddang! I'm actually sorry to say this but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who can actually speak fluent english.:cool:
  14. Stems definitely won't hurt you. I don't mind throwing one in to plug the bottom of the bowl usually. I dont even notice when the cherry hits them but a lot of people bitch, but honestly if they weren't staring at the stem itself most people wouldn't noticed. I'm sure an experienced toker obviously could, but truth be told stems are nothing to worry about whatsoever.

    Try and find a connect who has bud with zero seeds. Ask for headies, dank, chron, etc. It will probably cost 20 dollars for a gram, but I always prefer it. Post pics here if you're worried about anything being legit. GC can tell you just about anything you need to know if you give a pic or two.
  15. I usually save the stems in case I have an extended dry spell (a few weeks or more). Then I have something to smoke that will at least get me buzzed (I don't get headaches from it tho).
  16. Yeah. Ive never gotten a headache from smoking weed. Ever. not even brick mids or anything. I never know what people are bitching about.

    I save em up and vape them sometimes. Gets you a good buzz in the DBV.

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