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Vermont Blue dream [Macro + Milkvid]

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by shadowreef, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Just got some Blue dream, and god damn is it a dream to smoke. Kiefy as fuck, and one snap in my bong got me lifted. I vaped it earlier, and it literally tasted exactly like blueberries. Anyways here's a macro and a milkvid. Just a snap; so a small hit.
    [ame=""]Movieon2010-01-22at2017.flv video by rufus12 - Photobucket[/ame]
  2. That nug looks delicious, enjoy
  3. That nug looks great. Well manicured.
  4. Dank nugs.
    7L & Esoteric is bomb.
    Your the best.

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