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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Leif, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. I'm in a pretty fucked up dilema. This summer I was at a party that got busted. I was passed out and had alcohol poisoning. That's another story I won't get into right now. Anyways, the night after, they called me in to the station to give my side of the story. I simply told them that I was far too drunk to remember any of the previous night. They decided that me almost dying was more of a lesson than jail would teach me, and I got away with it. I felt guilty for being let off with nothing, considering I could have ended up with numerous charges, including MIP, MIC, possesion of marijuana, paraphanelia, etc.

    Jumping ahead to today. I checked my Myspace after I got home from school, and it's a comment from a "friend" from the party who got 8 months in jail. He accused me of being a narc. Fuck that, he's not a friend, and if he uses this shit against me, I'm gunna go ape shit. I'm not letting my reputation (very low profile, but still) get destroyed by some bullshit rumor someone is starting. That pisses me the fuck off. How the fuck does me not getting charged with anything make me one? Sure, it sounds like they let me off by getting information, but the thing is, I didn't tell them anything. I told them I couldn't remember, and I was being completely truthful. I still don't know all the details from that night...

    Could the police have used and twisted around what I said in court? I never gave them my consent to use anything. Meaning if I find out they did, I'm going to do take my own legal action, because it would be against the law for them to do so.

    To top it all off, I'm completely dry. I have spent the last day and a half raiding my room for any tiny amount of pot, stems, resin, whatever I could find. I got on my hands and knees, and inspected every inch of floor in my room, just to find two bowls worth. I shouldn't have smoked those last night, because now I can't even cool off with that. Oh yeah, and today is supposed to be the start of my week long tolerance break. Not long at all, but my tolerance is getting high, and I don't get paid until next Monday, so I just kinda decided on taking a small break.

    Fuck, sorry, I had to vent. Opinions?
  2. I think if hes really your friend he would have sugarcoated his accusations instead of straight accusing.

    You didnt narc, so does that mean you should suck that guys balls because he got 8 months??

    Maybe call your local station and ask for a copy of the police report for proof of any statements but i dont know if thats even possible

    Otherwise id brush it off, hes just looking for someone to blame besides himself.

    I mean id probably expect some retaliation maybe, maybe he'll narc you out. but if your a low-profile stoner who only isnt really involved in any real incriminating activities than i wouldnt worry about him getting you busted

    **im sure a piggie will twist words around during interigations, saying you said this or you said that, you know what i mean?? "oh ya thats not what your friend said" for example
  3. Yeah, the fucker showed his true colors. Once someone backstabs me or accuses me of being something I'm not, that person is dead to me. So fuck him...

    Exactly my point, I have a feeling they twisted it around. Would they even have the legal right to use that in court? I never gave them consent and they never even asked me to attend it.
  4. I dont think twisting words to get a confession is against the law...although them giving a completely made up confession that you or he didnt give is.

    I think they just let you off like you said. And were fucking with him-and he thinks the only reasonable explanation is that you ratted him out

    I think in court descesions will be determined from anything thats on the police report. Sounds like that has nothing to do with you..

  5. Yeah, but considering I gave them nothing besides aknowledging the fact that I got hammered, they'd have to throw in a lot of made-up stuff.
  6. that all depends on how stupid your friend was when he answered their questions or what he exactly said maybe.

    I dunno im sure youll never piece it all together unless you knew exactly what was said between the cops and your friends obviously.

    cops play games with they cross question suspects--the whole good cop bad cop thing. I think your friend just talked himself deeper and deeper into a hole, and since he was probably lieing they probably just decided to make a comment about how they let you off easy n how he got the shit end of the stick

  7. Could be.

    The only thing I'm really worried about is him coming back after he gets out and spreading the rumor. That could potentially fuck me out of a few hookups. Everyone knows this guy. I went to high school with him. The first time I ever smoked pot was with him. Same with doing coke. In high school, he was pretty popular, meaning I'm sure he knows most all of my hookups. I live in a town of 25,000, so it is possible.
  8. Id just stick to the truth and your side of the story if he does that. what else can you do. If your hook ups are reasonable people theyll see your side of the story isnt full of many holes

    I had a buddy that got arrested driving drunk on new years eve with weed who burnt a hole in the back seat of the cop car and got off.--I asked him why he got off that doesnt make any sense and he couldnt give me one reason. Eventually he started accusing me of thinking hes a narc (paranoid i guesS) and im like...well no but now that you mention it it makes alot more sense than the BS story you gave me. I dont talk to that cat anymore
  9. Oh yeah, I forgot a key element to my story. This guy took my phone while I was passed out, called my mom (not even on restricted), and made Chewbaca noises. Fucking hilarious, but extremely moronic. That's the whole reason the party got busted.

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