Venting a cool tube

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by wanderer46, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Getting a cool tube for the first time and have a question. The cool tube is the kind that's more like a hood/reflector with a flat glass bottom. Anyway, I want to go cool tube, exhaust fan (400cfm 6in) then carbon filter.

    Will the heat from the cool tube hurt the carbon filter? The filter will be about 6 feet of flex hose away from the cool tube. The fan mounts right on top of the carbon filter.

  2. Carbon scrubber - hood - fan. The fan sucks are tru carbon scrubber then heat from hood then out. This is the best way to maximize ur cfms. Oh and eliminate all sharp bends in the ducking, keep it as straight as possible.
  3. Hey Erbalist, thanks for that.

    I guess what you're saying is that the carbon filter has to be in the grow space? That takes up room in the tent - rather not do that.

    The pic shows how I have it now w/o the cool tube. Done it this way with another grow and had no smell issue. I just want to know if the heat from the cool tube will affect the carbon. BTW, my light is 600W - MH for veg, HPS for flower.

    Attached Files:

  4. I went the same route, for pushing through the filter instead of pulling through it, but used a seperate 6" fan for the cool tube.

    For me, it seemed that extracting that heat as quickly as possible (not having a restrictive filter on it) was important along with venting it out of the room where the tent is so having it also double as a filtered exhaust didn't seem logical. Plus when i tested Pulling air through the filter it would draw some of the charcoal particles out and into the light assembly. Maybe it was just a cheap filter I don't know. Doubt it's helpful, but is how I solved this problem.

    Will be keeping an eye on this thread to see if I can get away with eliminating 1 of the inline fans though.
  5. Hey Jmosley, thanks for that. That's probly what I should do - get another fan (downside, fan & electric cost tho). If I do that and not go thru the filter, I'd have to draw air from outside the tent, thru the cool tube and back out the tent. Is that how yours is set up? How many cfm is your cool tube fan? How many watts is your light?

    I'm with you not wanting to pull air thru the filter. Seems to me the filters have that nice cover to filter any particles from air pushing thru it, not the other way around.

    So I'd still like to know if anyone is venting a cool tube thru a carbon filter and if that's ok to do?
  6. I was just giving advice from my own experience. To each there own. Works both ways
  7. Pulling air through your carbon filter is more efficent then pushing. The directions actually with your carbon filter will tell you to do that. You can do it either way. Stapping it to the top of your tent does not use that much space.

    But to answer your question it will not hurt your carbon filter and when I grew with HID lights I had a cool tube and did just that. All your filter is is activated carbon housed in a hollow metal cylinder. Also its how most of us do it :)

    How it usually goes is Filter inside tent hooked up to Tube via ducting, out from tube via ducting to inline fan outside tent. Hot smelly air is sucked in flows through the tube..moving air cools it and out the top of your tent since heat rises.

  8. For starters, I'd take advice of the veterans over my noob ass any day.

    But to answer the question about my set up. The cool tube ducting on my 1kw hps simply picks up air from my bedroom, which is usually mid 60s at the warmest. The other end of the ducting is attached to a vent in my window, above my A/C. That is so that in theory the A/C isn't also forced to cool off the heat from the light. Not sure if it matters, but the fan closer to the exhaust point then the intake of the cool tube ducting.

    My tent's exhaust looks incredibly similar to yours from what I see in the pic. I only mention that because I purposely placed the intake side of my cool tube ducting right above the carbon filter so that (hopefully) the warmer air being pulled out of the tent gets evacuated instead of warming up my room and creating a downward spiral of tent and room both being too warm.
  9. @ rhapsodyrcks: I know this might sound silly, but I'm a visual learner. Could you (or anyone with a similar set up) post a pic?? Im totally new at this and It's just not clicking.

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