So I have read what I can find about room exhaust but can't find a clear cut answer on what is better. Should you slowly be pulling air out steadly at all times or totally clear out the room. If clearing it all out, I've read some people clear the room every 5 mins and some do it once a hr. I need to know what people do. Right now I pull a little bit out steadly while the lights are out and clear the room once a hr while the lights are on. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks guys
I'd say it really has to do with how big/small your operation is. Obviously, the larger it is, the more smell. If it's a couple plants, I wouldn't worry too much about ventilation. You could clear your room once a day just for fresh air for the plants. This is also taking into consideration that you're able to stabilize your temperature. When you get into larger grows and therefore higher heat from bigger bulbs and more smell, then you need a good inline fan preferably pulling air through a carbon filter inside the room to the outside of the room near the top. Also, having a vent, window, etc. at the bottom will bring in fresh air automatically from the negative pressure caused by the inline fan pulling hot air out. It also help to have a fan blowing on your plants to strengthen their stems/branches.
@ Chubbs, that's kinda why I'm wondering because my room is 16x28 with 8-1000W Rators and 9-1000W mh cool tubes for drops. Everything is pulled up and thru and recirculated while it's winter time so we can save on heat while the lights are on and we can dump it outside in the summer time. My problem is what do I do at night because keeping my humidity up if I should be pulling it out at all time is becoming a problem. So I don't know if the room should be cleared once a hr for fresh air or a continuous flow outside
I'd pull it once a day if you're having problems keeping your humidity up and steady. Or keep it slow and steady and get a humidifier. That's a big area!
Yeah that's what I am doing now (a steady pull) and I don't have to much of a problem with my humidity and I don't when I dump it once a hr but I read that a couple people were clearing their room like once every 5 mins and I can't keep up with that. So I just wanted to see if what I was doing was correct or not. Thanks for the input
It must be different where you live. If I exhaust, my humidity goes downas I suck air out. My flower room obviously by default has a higher humidity than teh ambiant air outside the room. My concern was if you're exhausting while you're lights are on, you're gonna be making C02 all day to replenish..