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Velvet Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Deleted member 180229, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. #1 Deleted member 180229, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
    As smooth as it sounds. My fingertips feel and look like there slightly greased with hash oil hahaa. This stuff gets you BENT. It has a very nice "velvet" hue. Beautiful dank. Enjoi.:smoke:

    Location: NY Metro.

    Cost: $80 for a Quarter.

  2. ^Waste of a post.

    On topic, that looks like some bomb nug you got yourself there man. Have fun toking that beautiful ganj.
  3. my dude, you know the grow or something? because i cant see how you're getting THAT for 80 a quarter in nyc. shit like that would be around 120
  4. #4 Deleted member 180229, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
    Ive known this connect for a long time. We have grown more of friends and I get a healthy discount. (Plus I fix his computer sometimes hahaa) You pay 120 a quarter, I don't bud :smoke:
  5. Def not mad at that....I def would pay top $ for those beauty's right there
  6. N this pick up just shitted on my pickup from the same neighborhood
  7. Not bad...but when you're done you should weigh that stem.
  8. that looks like zombie weed! :smoke:
  9. Dank pickup, man. Not trying to bust balls, but velvet isn't a hue where I come from.
  10. Good to know. Where does the "velvet" come from?

    @JGR: Just look around, theres bomb dank everywhere here..
  11. Velvet is a type of cloth with a soft, luxuriant feel. Luxuriant is a word I would use to decribe that bud as well. ;)
  12. Wow, that's some interesting bud there

  13. Haha, gotcha, thanks:smoke:
  14. it was cured right...

    trimmed not so well...

    still looks good tho :smoke:

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