This is my first grow that I will be doing therefore its nothing flashy. I will only be able to start off with 3 plants, and only keep one. I have several CFL lights ranging between 13w - 60w, both 2700k and 6500k but since I'm confined to a small space I decided to only use 3 lights, two 42w 6500k and one 60w 6500k. The power strip mounted to the side holds the two 42w and the 60w hangs down. Im using Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil and I have the Age Old Grow nutrients, but I was told not to use those until the 3rd week. Germination was started 10/3/10 Seed was planted on 10/05/10 4 seed germination started on 10/8/10 (will be planted soon) Pictures are from 10/10/10
No specific strain, I figured i need some experience under my belt before i go out and actually buy some seeds. For now i just used seeds i got from my buddy.
Update - So the other seeds germinated and I planted 3 more. Im still using 3 lights because Im a bit worried about the heat, im trying my best to keep it below 90F.
Well another plant sprouted, ill take some pictures later tonight but im still having pretty bad issues with ventillation, since the box is in the back of the closet it has trouble getting fresh air, and the whole closet itself just gets pretty hot, which is weird because i always thought CFLs were really low heat, regardless i may put a PC grow box together, i think my little fans will cool that better.
So im currently building my PC grow box so I still have the plants in the closet, I took the power strip off the side because im going to use it for my PC so for now im still using 2 40w and 1 60w but I made it into a giant + looking fixture.
So my grow box is complete! i put 4 fans, two intake at the bottom, and two exhaust at the top. Seems to be working well, temp is down do mid 80s which im very happy about. I can only fit 3 plants in there so the one that didnt sprout yet wont even get a chance. I pretty much just used mylar and duct tape for everything. I had to downgrade on the lights, i broke my 60 watt taking it from the other box and the 40w are too heavy for the fixture so im using 1 40w and 2 23w lights for now.
all 3 plans seem to be healthy and i managed to get the temp down to 80 - 82. meanwhile I had a problem with holding the power strip down on the PC box so ive been messing with that. heres some pics
Hello mate your doing fine, I'm a beginner aswell, but we all got to start somewhere. How close are those lights? And does you friend have any idea what strain they are? Good luck with the grow. Sub +
quick question after you plant a germinated seed, did you put the light over it? If so, did you keep watering it before it sprouted since the soil would dry up? Or did you leave it in the dark? And if you left it in the dark, wasn't it pretty cool since there was no heat from lights? I'm subbing btw, I'm doing a similar closet grow.
well yea i watered the soil before i put the germinated seeds in there, i put em in tail down, and put about a half inch of soil over it, enough to cover it but also enough to where it didnt just wash away with the water. and then yes i started a regular cycle of watering, twice a day, once at noon and once at midnight. it got too hot in there because i was using too many lights for the space, and my fans are pretty small, and the box was pretty close to the wall which was preventing the fans from getting a lot of air. once i moved it forward a couple inches the temp went down about 10 degrees. I keep the lights about 3" away and they are adjustable so i will raise them as the plant grows and eventually get some side lights, and i really dont know what strain, the seeds are very old also, like 5 years... i was surprised they germinated.
3 out of 4 of mine sprouted earlier.. got flies tho, faaauck.. gonna get some sand and a pest strip tomorrow
Dude plants are looking good vektah. growing up real fast, they were all planted at the same time right? do you still have them in the PC grow box or did you move them back to your original grow box? how many days in are they? also, i cant believe you used 5 yr old seeds lol, you gotta have fresh bag seed around. but hey, they seem to be doing great so cheers!
yea dude, in my room. So them flies got to go! O and when flowering comes, I'll have a 2x4x5 tent for it. Throw a 250w HPS in there, look forward to some serious budding action Lets get it on!
trying to arrange them different ways to let em all get some air from the fan, any ideas for names? gotta name em sometime
lookin forward to some more pics dude, they are all lookin niiiice. that tall one could be starting to stretch because the light might be too far.
Update Well plant 3 has some yellow discoloration on it, but im just going to see if it gets worse, otherwise they are looking great. Watering them at the stem sometimes pushes them over a bit, especially plant 3 since its taller than the others, so ive started spraying water recently as you can tell by the pictures also another light has been added, im at 4 x 40w 6500k CFLs. recently my friend got the dr40, it looked really nice especially for just one plant, any1 have any experience using it??