Vegetative Phase / Lightning & Air Circulation

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Tomizini, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Hello fellows,

    This is my first grow (White Widow) and i have a several questions that i'd like to have your help:

    1. My plant has 6 days and is in the vegetative phase, i'm giving it 18hours light per day (with a 250W HPS), and i'd like to know for how long i may continue to give it the 18hours light/day? I've seen in almost every sites that the vegetative phase can go up to 3 or 4 weeks, but the guy where i bouht my indoor grow material told me just to put 18hours light/day in the first week, what do you think about it?

    2. I don´t have a fan yet, i'm thinking to put just a normal fan inside the box and skip the extractor, do you think that i can have a good result without the extractor (the box has a whole to breath and it's in my bathroom)?

    3. Does a CFL (150W) works propertly in a 1 square closed box for just one or two plants? I'm thinking in changing my HPS lamp for a CFL but i'm not sure if the CFL light will work well in the flowering phase, what do you think about that? (i know the HPS is much better than the CFL for the flowering phase, but the consumes of it it's very high comparing with the CFL)

    4. Do you recomend some particulary website with a good explanation of all growing phases of a White Widow plant or cannabis in general?

    Thanks for your help,

    and have a nice smokes [​IMG]

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