Vegan/vegetarian. Your view

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by soojah129, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Our teeth are all supposed to be flat? Then what the hell is wrong with me? :eek:
    Proof of any cancers or other serious illnesses being cured with a raw vegan diet? Cured as in full remission, not treatment of symptoms, or a raw diet used in combination with other treatment methods such as chemo.

  2. I respect those that do. A lot of my friends are vegan/veggie and I have a few who I just don't talk to them about food and others who are totally down with meat just did it a lot for health reasons.

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  3. #43 240sxLover, Feb 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
    I try not to be a dick about it, but it's gross as fuck. I try to have some sort of animal product in every meal I eat.
    And vegans have nasty farts. I know girls who are vegans, and it's a major turn off. Kinda hard to be horny when they be gassin up the room.
  4. I would consider it for the health benefits but I can't go without a fat burger or a taco or something haha
  5. LOL what??
  6. I want a tree that grows bacon.
  7. Everything we need grows on this earth by the sun, as do we
  8. Yup, cept here in my town they shoot a surge of electricity into their brains, killing them.
  9. Vegetarian for 2 years. Started out because i didnt think that i needed to harm another living being to sustain my own life, now after 2 years i realize all of the health benefits. I get sick less often, i have more energy, less crabby and anxious, etc. Plus theres meat substitutes that taste pretty damn close to the real thing or better.

    I made vegetarian chicken strips the one day with my brother making actual chicken strips and he accidently started eating mine while i walked away. After coming back he told me they that they were the best chicken strips hes ever had but than was shocked when i pointed out he wasnt even eating meat.

    Similar example i made vegetarian ground beef in tacos one night and just gave it to everyone in my family without them knowing and they liked it 10 times as much as the standard beef tacos.

    Keep in mind that vegetarian/vegan meat substitutes often will look almost identical to the real thing and taste better to many people so long as they dont know it isnt meat before trying

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  10. I think its awesome, I agree with you OP.
    Vegetarian for year and 4 months, now vegan. My energy is there. I love it. Feel so good.
    I recover faster from workouts. Am leaner and getting stronger.
    It only makes sense to me now...
    Why would you want to do anything less for your body?
  11. Not with that mindset
  12. From birth I never really enjoyed the textures of meat.  The only thing that's stopping me from being vegan is cheese.  I've already changed so much over the years, cheese doesn't bother me when I eat it.  So I must have those necessary enzymes to digest it.  I don't care what other people do, but the way animals are farmed is an absolute crime.  All for that fat fuck who can't get out of his car at the drive thru, getting a diet coke because they're trying to lose weight.
  13. That is so much less gruesome and funnilly underexaggerated compared to what I quoted lmao... surge of electricity is humane; but hanging a cow with a noose around its neck (which is way more work than its even worth btw) and tying a cow up by its back hooves is against so many animal laws that it should be in some freaks personal diary about his dream of a cow death factory with spikes and blood everywhere lmao
  14. My view is, people should eat meat. We're meant to.
  15. I have some pork thawing in my fridge as we speak. Boy am I gonna enjoy tearing into that meat! Mmmmmm!
    But seriously, you get sick less often? I don't get sick for shit and I eat plenty o' meat. It's called an immune system. I've seen my friend eat raw beef many times, and he's fine. People who think being vegan or vegetarian is gonna make them "live longer" need to get a reality check. Humans are omnivores. So you have more fiber in your diet than the average individual? More veggies? So do I. I eat a balanced diet, and that means meat is on the menu.
    Sorry guys, but seriously. You're not outliving meat eaters. You're outliving fast food eaters.
  16. I can't see myself being a vego....
    And also things like PETA piss me off..... they should just gtfo and shut up
  17. If I put my mind to it then yee but we're meant to eat meat it's good
  18. been a vegetarian since i think it was 3rd or 4th grade. i dont even remember why i just decided to i guess

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  19. Wrong..

    ..just wrong.

  20. ive been a vegetarian for 4 years now started cause of my ex but fell in love with the lifestyle i really enjoy being vegetarian my ex now eats meat but dosent bother me :) i feel healthier as well! veghead for life :)

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