hey guys just working on my first grow in an automated rainforest aeroponics system put the first 2 clones in about 6 days ago and have 4 other clones that are about a week younger. was wondering if it's gonna be a problem that i added the younger clones to my older clones couple clones are much bigger than the younger ones so far it seems like all the clones are happy whats the farthest apart age-wise you can have clones growing together? note: growing aeroponically so there is only 1 reservoir which I can only maintain one level of ph and ppm thanks for any help! setup:600w HPS 4x4x6 mylar tent RainForest Aeroponics System 240 cfm can fan, intake 250 cfm blower inline fan, exhaust C.A.P. Ozone Generator 2 oscilating fans