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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sarkons, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Hey GC, so recently i bought a Vapor Daddy Deluxe. Its a awesome product. I live at home still and i have been having troubles with smell. Its not a disaster if i get caught, i just don't want to because it would be awkward. So my question is, is there anything i could do to eliminate the smell so its not so noticeable.
    Thanks in advance.

    PS: I have a window in my room and i blow the vapor out of it.
  2. What temp do you have the vape set at (assuming this item has a temp control). :confused:The lower the temp, the less smell. If you're getting a lot of odor, chances are its set too high and you are inducting combustion. Look at the condition of your vapeweed also, if is black instead of lightly browned, your vape is too hot.
  3. The vaporizer i have has a knob 1-10. I have it in the middle. The weed comes out lightly brown. Thanks,
  4. I don't know where everyone gets the idea that vaporizing doesn't produce any smell, VAPORIZING MOST DEFINITELY PRODUCES A STRONG ODOR.
    And if it doesn't, then you're doing it wrong.

    Buy some Ozium, it'll take care of the smell.
  5. Sploof..or take a hit and wait for it to dissipate then take another instead of consecutive hits so you won't end up with a giant vapor cloud in your room. also you might want to have a fan in the room.:cool:
  6. There are a lot of odor control options. Look for products labeled "odor absorbing" or "odor neutralizing"
    For example:

  7. Thanks guys, i appreciate it. Peace! :wave:
  8. A sploof.

    Stick 5 dryer sheets in a paper towel roll and fold one in half and tape it over the opening in one end, blow the vapor through it and it comes out smelling like spring daisies.

  9. My vape never produces a strong smell! I just, JUST vaped a bit in my dorm room. Didn't plug the door, all I used was a sploof [and I use that primarily to cut down on the amount of exhaled vapor in the room; not to mask smell but its an added security], and my room doesnt smell at all. I've left the room twice and came back; no smell.
  10. I never get any smell either, but use a Magic Flight. I don't know how some of the tabletop models do as far as smell goes.....:confused:
  11. What he said, i smoked in my room while my grandparents were sleeping in the room right across the hall, (when the were living with us trying to find a house) and used the sploof everytime i smoked. The smoke just came out smelling like flowers so it was pretty awesome :smoke:
  12. roughly the same I'd think, except there is a constant heating of herb instead of the insertion of the battery like the flight box.

    But my generic whip-style box vape barely smells. As long as you keep the whip on it when/while its heated, no smell will escape. Also, when your done, leave the whip on and let it cool down. If there is ever any smell, its from the heating and smell of the vape/herb inside the vape; not the vapor you exhale. At least in my case...
  13. So last night i made a "sploof", it worked quite well except my room smells like dryer sheets now! Thanks guys.
  14. good shit man!

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