Vaporizing hash oil / essential oils with an e-cig. Anyone?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by jabberwock, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. I'm looking to buy an e-cig in the near future (leaning towards the V2) along with empty cartridges. I've heard about filling these things up with hash oil, which sounds heavenly and I'd love to try it, however I'm in the process of trying to quit... :'( anyways - my mother in law threw the idea of vaping on lemongrass oil at me. I'm working on researching if this is a good idea or not, and what effects it would have... but I can't seem to turn up much information. Does anyone have any experience vaping on lemongrass oil, or any essential oils? Which oils would be safe to vape on, and what effects would they produce?
    Just to be sure, you have to be careful with oils, especially inhaling "misted" oils, you can get a condition called "lipid pneumonia".
    Inhaling something molecular evaporating out of the oils would likely be a different story, but if there are tiny oil droplets in a vapor, it is going in your lungs, and too much can potentially lead to the above.  So heating an oil until the aromatic components are exuded is one thing, heating an oil until it smoked would be another. 

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