Vaporizer woes..

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by xaphyr, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Hi, first time poster, long time reader.

    I'm looking to find information on how to fix my Deluxe Daddy Vaporizer (or Vapor Daddy Deluxe).

    Last night, my vaporizer was working fine, just like day 1, which I bought in early November. I turned off the vaporizer, left it where I always leave it, which has PLENTY of ventilation, and went to bed.

    I woke up the next morning for a wake n' bake, turned on the vaporizer, then went to the bathroom for about 5 minutes or so, came back in, and the vaporizer was not heating. At all.

    All the lights were working fine, but absolutely nothing was warm, and actually rather cold from the room temperature...
    The heating element inside is rather cool, and will not heat. It's properly placed inside, touching the correct areas to start the warmth, but nothing. The protective glass around it is also screwed in properly.

    My entire vaporizer looks, and performed, like brand new.

    I have used it everyday, 3-6 times a day with my fiance. So maybe it was the end of that elements life span?
    Does this sound like the element is gone, and now all I need is a new one?

    Any help would be great!

  2. Sounds like the element is burnt out bro. Have you taken it apart and checked the wires to the element? One could just need some solder.
  3. thats why u just roll a joint bro
  4. Yeah, I've opened 'er up and all wires/soldering; anything, everything is just like it was day 1. So this is what happens when elements die off? Are ceramic elements cheap to replace?

    The vaporizer is the only way I can get the THC in me, other than edibles, as the vapor does not irritate my lungs.

    The element has a 3 year warranty on it, but lost the receipt, so just looking to replace it I guess.

  5. if your confident, you can buy a ceramic heating element online..if you'd rather not risk it. Id suggest getting a Vapor bros..its what the Vapor Daddy is based off of. VB is the real deal and they will go out of there way to honor their warranties. If your not looking for another wooden box vaporizer..take some time and research the Da Buddha vaporizer its pretty tough..built like a tank and delivers just as good if not better than the VB.
  6. spend the extra 100 dollars and get something worthwhile that will have little to no problems with a 3+ year warranty.
  7. My fiance and I are saving almost everything we're making atm, to go on a European vacation, so money -IS- an issue right now.

    I love my Deluxe Daddy Vaporizer, it works flawlessly, other than this issue. It can get me pretty blazed to the point I feel like I've eaten edibles just with an intense head high lol.

    While everything inside LOOKS fine, the only insight on what may be wrong that I've received, is that the ceramic element is dead.

    My local shop is about a 20 minute walk from here, so I'll be going in tomorrow afternoon to check out the ceramic element prices.

    If it ISN'T the element, but everything inside looks good, is there any possibility on another suggestion of what could have caused this to happen?

    Thanks :)

  8. Maybe the circuits may have burned out..from a surge or something? I'm not 100 percent sure, i never opened up a vapor daddy.
    To be honest its probably going to be easier to buy another unit than to try and fix it.
  9. May have been a surge, never know, but it is plugged into a surge protector.

    Vapor Daddy: Aromatherapy & Herbal Vaporizer Machines

    This is the official website for my vape, if you scroll down (the picture is wrong btw..) you can find "Replaceable ceramic element for Deluxe Daddy"; no price given, so just curious as to how much an element may go for.

    A brand new Deluxe Daddy, here, from a shop, is $180 after tax, I was hoping I could fix it for a fraction of the cost of buying new.
  10. 60w Ceramic heating elements on ebay are $15.00. Not sure, what kind of heating element is in your vapor daddy..i just know vapor bros and dbv and ssv all use ceramic heating elements.

    Try and talk to a customer service rep first, see if theres anything that they can suggest first. Might not be able to do anything about the warranty but they might be of some help.
  11. Thanks for the help :)
    I emailed them, hoping for a reply. Will call my local shop to see how much they sell replacement elements for, in the afternoon.

    Will post back if I find a solution to the problem, in case other people have this problem in the future.
  12. try replacing the fuse. when mine went ouu, this fixed the problem
  13. A while back when my Vapir quit (my fault static electricity knocked it out) I called the MFG about a new fan, told them it was my fault. They sent me a new one, I only had to pay shipping on both units.

    Might be worth it to call the MFG.
  14. The Deluxe Daddy has every piece replaceable, just went down to my local shop, and the guy hooked me up with a new element ($15) and it's back to normal! Pretty high atm..

    Also, the website offer's a 3 year warranty on all elements, but they usually burn out within 3~6 months, if on most of the day, everyday.

    So problem solved! :) Thanks for the help guys!

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