Easy Vape Digital Hands Free Vaporizer on Sale Ok id like to get a vaporizer close to the one in the link above. Ive seen some at my headshop for 125-130. Now my questions.. are the ones like the one in the link reliable(as in it wont stop working after a few months.), Do they get you as ripped as everyone talks about?, and what is vaped bud like? does it get you high or is it worthless?
I second smokey, I also have DBV. Its actually sitting in front of me right now, because I just got finished hitting it. take a look: http://forum.grasscity.com/apprenti...rt-log-w-pix**.html?highlight=fuck+combustion but vaped bud is really dry and crumbly, and can be recycled to get you high yeaa
For travel i use the essential vape...at home i have the Vaporite Nano. Got it on sale at a local shop for $100 and I love it.