Vaporizer ?s

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by seth317, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Easy Vape Digital Hands Free Vaporizer on Sale

    Ok id like to get a vaporizer close to the one in the link above. Ive seen some at my headshop for 125-130. Now my questions.. are the ones like the one in the link reliable(as in it wont stop working after a few months.), Do they get you as ripped as everyone talks about?, and what is vaped bud like? does it get you high or is it worthless?
  2. Get a DBV they are around the same price a little more and they are amazing
  3. #3 Fumar Verde, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
  4. For travel i use the essential home i have the Vaporite Nano. Got it on sale at a local shop for $100 and I love it.

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