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vaporized shwag :(

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Hdth, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. so im gonna pick something else up sometime in the next week but all i have now is this shit and when i smoked it i coughed for 30 minutes at least and puked and it was horrible is there any way i could possibly make it less harsh cuz i really feel like getting high tonight.
  2. If vaping doesn't seem to do the trick for you, may I suggest edibles?
  3. vaporizing it again? would that work
  4. Schwag, ew. Vaporized bud, ew.

    Vaporized schwag: poop :(

    I feel bad for you man. Its like impossible to get high on that wtf, basically inhaling smoke with no THC :D
  5. Extract the kief
  6. Save up that shit man. I saved a good couple ounces of it and made some dank ass chocolate chip cookies with it. :)

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