VaporGenie or Magic Flight Launch Box?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by TheFink, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone new to the forum and was just wondering if anyone had any personal experience with any of these vaps. I was looking at picking up one of the two but wanted to see if someone could sway me one way or the other. I've read up on both of them on these forums and it seems most people have favorable opinions on both of them. I'm mostly looking for something that doesn't produce a noticeable stench as I just moved back in with the parents and I have heard that vaps do not produce as heavy as a smell. Any help would be great thanks.
  2. I have both.

    Launch Box is more of a on-the-go piece, you can smoke it anywhere, even in public. Its stealthy, quick, and doesn't smell alot.

    However, the VaporGenie gets monster rips, no joke. I cant stop coughing after hits. So much vapor my lungs beg for mercy. Its a bitch to use in public, you cant really tbh, and if there is any wind, you are fucked.

    Both have lifetime warranties though. And both are very reliable. I love them both.

    Edit, just noticed you need something that doesn't smell much, get the Launch Box. VG produces too much vapor, making it smell alot more than the LB.
  3. Thanks a lot for the feedback looks like I'll be getting the Launch Box.

  4. I've got two VaporGenies and a Launch Box. The Launch Box is far more convenient and the taste of the vapor is much better because there is no soot from a lighter in the air path.

    You won't regret that purchase!
  5. can't say anything for the vapourgenie but the magic flight launch box is truly an amazing vape, it's amazing for stealth and on the move (i used mine while walking!) and has a great taste and is really well made and discreet looking. oh and it's really cheap.
    sorry about being so flattering of it, i just can't fault it for the prices
  6. i just ordered my launchbox today. cant wait for it to come in.
  7. I have a vapor genie. I've never owned nor used the launch box, but the vapor genie isn't too bad. The only thing I don't like about it is how it kills lighters pretty quick and can't really be used outside if theirs wind. Other than that, I like it a lot.

    One thing I noticed is that the vapor genie classic mouth piece is shaped to fit most quality glass bongs. So I sit there with my roor/phx and the pipe attatched for extra smooth hits.

    I dunno if I agree that the vapor genie will smell. If you master the technique, it wont smell at all. Just don't pack the weed or overpack the bowl, thats what causes burning. You want about a .1 grounded herb per bowl gently put in the pipe. Use the lighter correctly and y ou'll barely smell or see vapor.

    I lived at home and my room was next to my parents. If I closed the door, and maybe lit a candle (not even really necessary but if ur paranoid might as well), they would never notice. I think farting in your room would cause more of a stench lol.
  8. Thanks again everyone for all the feedback it helps a lot. Imagine that a forum where you can actually get help haha.

  9. i agree. i use a vapor genie as well and it doesn't produce any smell. when i'm home my parents don't smell it (granted i am very careful) and when i'm at school my roommate says he can't smell it (not that he cares)
  10. #10 LeanTM, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    I use mine correctly and it smells, everyone I live with tells me. But don't get me wrong its not a thick strong smell. I get huge vapor clouds. I mean how can you not with the VG...its going to smell a bit if you are.

    And if my weed was burned it would be a very dark brown. Its pretty clear and obvious if it burns.
  11. #11 TheFink, Feb 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2010
    Well just as kind of a follow up I thought i would post....a follow up haha. . . Sorry just got done using it. Well I went with the MFLB and its awesome. It took me about four uses to work like perfectly so its pretty easy to use and the effects get me just as lit as my piece does. And the smell is next to nothing especially when using a sploof. Yeah the MFLB is amazing I should have gotten this a long time ago. haha. :smoking:
  12. Mine just came in the mail today and I love it so.. You should also consider the Iolite.

    Edit: I see this has been updated. Nevermind! ha
  13. Hey I realize this threads pretty old but if someone could help me out here... I'm in this situation. I am about to buy either the MFLB or the VG and I am torn between the two. I'd like to get a VG because it looks like a pipe and is cheaper but there are a few questions I need answered before I can buy one with no second thoughts. I would really rather not make a new thread for the few questions that I have.

    First, do they get you equally high? It'd seem to me that the VG would get you higher because of denser vapor clouds but I have no experience with vaporizers so I could be totally wrong. I don't smoke/vaporize to get a lil spacy, like I do it to get HIGH ha. Not really worth the risk or money otherwise IMO. Do these accomplish that?

    Second, I live with my parents. I'm in high school, and getting caught is really not an option at this point. I understand that the MFLB is definitely the stealthier of the two. However, what I want to know is if I was vaping with the window open and a fan on and a scented candle, would that be enough for my parents to not be able to smell it if they walked in a few minutes after? I'd also like to be able to vape in my car. My car has leather seats and a sun roof, would the VG stink it up or would it be okay? How about if I used a spoof in both of those places?

    Third is about the power sources for the two. If I smoked the Vapor Genie, say, 3-4 times a week, one bowl each sesh (that'd get me high enough, right?) then about how many lighters would I go through per month? Or how many refills of a standard refillable lighter? With the MFLB, is it worth buying better batteries and charger?

    Fourth, how long does one good hit take on the VG?

    Fifth, really how big of an issue is the wind with the VG? Is it the kind of problem that can be solved by covering the VG and urself up with a sweatshirt or by blocking the wind with a car or tree or friend?

    Finally, are they about equal as far as herb efficiency goes?

  14. Sure. ALL vaporizers, given that they are operating at the same temp, will get you equally as high. The question is, how quickly you will get there. You are correct that the VG will provide much larger clouds and therefore, has the ability to get you there quicker than the LB, that is, if your lungs can process all that vapor at one time.

    Being that the VG can provide larger clouds, it stands to reason that it will also smell more. If not getting caught is a primary concern, than I would definitely go with the LaunchBox.

    No idea. Depends on the quality of your weed, how high or low your tolerance is, how much you pack in the bowl, how hot you vape at. Too many variables to give you an answer.

    Same answer as above.

    Yes. If you want the best for the Box, get the Powerex 2700 batts along with the MAHA C-9000 charger.

    If memory serves me right (it's been awhile), I think about 15 seconds with the first hit. After it's warmed up, about 10 seconds.

    Wind is a big issue. You need a steady flame.

    No, they are not equal. The LaunchBox is more efficient.

    (whew..............................You can now send me 25 bucks for consulting fees. Payable thru paypal)

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