Hey all, So I've had a vaporizer for about 3 and a half years, and I just recently (Fall) got my first GonG tube. I decided to try vapor bong rips today, it was great. Very clean and crisp... I'm definitely more of a vaporized high, if you know what I mean. I tried to add some crazy effect haha it looks pretty cool I think.. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqq9Lr-XatE"]Vapor Bong Rip[/ame] Some pictures: My glass family: My diffuser, that I love: If you have a vape and a bong, and haven't tried this yet, try it!
Tip: buy the GonG connector made by the 7th Floor guys. It'll fit Da Buddha, SSV or Vapor Bros, or any other whip vape with that diameter tubing. Makes the connection airtight, easier to pull, and it's just classy.