Vapir No2

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Payne1020, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. If i keep it outside in -10 weather do you think it will break? i'm thinking of keeping it inside just don't wanna get caught
  2. The no2 doesn't really look like a pipe
    So unless your parents know what a portable vaporizer looks like, and is familiar with this brand in particular, I doubt you will get caught. It just looks like a new age radio or something to an older person. Just keep the tube off it because that's the only semi distinguishing feature on it IMO.

    But I certainly wouldn't keep mine outdoors in those temps.
  3. my no2 battery doesn't work so I have to keep it indoors and plugged in 24/7.....shitty 150$ vaporizer lol but it is better than nothing

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