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vaping with a regular bowl

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Audion, May 13, 2011.

  1. I heard by inhaling strongly and holding a flame away from the weed, you can vaporize. Is this possible, or is it just an inefficient wasteful way to vape?

    dont say, just get a vape. If this works, it seems like a good way to try out vaping before spending 100 or more on a vape.
  2. that's pretty much what a Vapor Genie is made for,i got one and it's awesome!(Disclaimer:weednotcrack was not a paid participate in this advertisement.) :laughing:

  3. Truth. Isn't a vapor genie just rigged with an extra screen or something?

  4. yeah it a pipe with a ceramic filter that is screwed on top that you remove to pack the bowl than screw the top back on and vape away.

  5. so I take it it would be better to get a vapor genie than to attempt this with a regular bowl.
  6. you can do it by just keeping the flame at a distance, but its pretty hard to stay consistent. its not a good way to test out vaping imo, borrow a vape from a friend or make a lightbulb vape if you really want to test it.

    and then realize a lightbulb vape is not like smoking a real, nice vape

  7. yeah pretty much :laughing:
  8. ok. so I'm being an idiot and making a light bulb vape for the hell of it. I already got the white shit out with salt, but there is still a purple tint left to the glass. something about that says I shouldn't heating this thing up and inhaling the shit that comes out of it.
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  9. ^ya probably not. id just smoke a bowl.
    but if you were gonna try it with a regular bowl it definitely wouldnt be able to work with a standard bic lighter. you'd need a butane one with a hot blue flame. i dont think it would work really well though.

  10. just read the box. its a reveal bulb made of neodymium glass. neodymium being a rare earth metal, its toxic. doing it the old fashioned way, smoking a bowl.:smoke:

  11. LIES [​IMG]
  12. #12 Philmeister, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2011
    YES, it can be done, I used to do it all the time before I got my mflb.
    I had a metal pipe with a cap that had a hole on top (it's a lot easier with a cap).
    It's way easier to stay consistent and not burn the weed when you use an adjustable lighter and set the flame to low.
    Don't do it over long periods of time though since you are inhaling all that butane.

    A better way to do this is to use a heat gun instead of a lighter. You will be surprised by how HUGE vape hits you can get using a heat gun!
  13. So here I am being silly again. What about using the head joint used on a lightbulb vape on an empty glass bottle? I have an empty beer bottle here, and the bottle cap fits nicely. Peeling the label off and getting the glue off. Fuck it I'm trying it. Its a heineken bottle so its tinted green...bad idea?

  14. so you're trying to heat the bottle or what? sry i don't completely understand.
    But if you heat up the bottle it might explode, just be careful.

  15. why would it explode? its not going through an extreme temperature change like from cold to hot.
  16. It's a lot easier to do it with a magnifying glass and the sun in a bowl.
    Or with a hemp wick.

    Anything without butane.

  17. how is that vaping? you're just using the heat of the sun to burn the weed.

  18. I used an aqua globe, almost looks like a lightbulb, just thicker glass, and that shit exploded in my hand while I was trying to vape.
    I just held a lighter to it for like 20 sec.

  19. just tested it outside on an empty bottle of the same type. no explosion
    • Like Like x 1

  20. Good.
    Safety first, then teamwork.

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