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Vaping weed three days after wisdom teeth surgery

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by BattleOfOne, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. #1 BattleOfOne, Apr 28, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    It's been three days since I've had two of my bottom wisdom teeth removed. I also had four other back teeth removed. I'm going to be fitted for adult braces once everything is healed as my teeth were overcrowded and are a bit crooked at the bottom.

    I haven't smoked/vaped anything since.

    Would vaping some weed be okay now? I'm still a bit sore and hoping weed combined with ibuprofen will help the pain more. I'm just thinking vaping would probably be safer.
  2. I wouldn't vape. You want something less restrictive. Try just smoking a loosely packed bowl. Spoon pipe is your best bet. Try not to suck too hard when you inhale. You want to create the least amount of suction possible to avoid pulling the clots out.

    I just had mine removed last month. Day 3 is when I lightly and carefully started smoking again. Be careful, and take it easy.

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  3. Depends what you are vapingn from. A pen or pax I wouldn't. From a bag you could. If you do stuff cotton in your hole take very slow draws as you do not want to get a dry socket. Eating it prob be the better option.

    Too bad you don't have CBD ;)
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