Vaping to smoke inside secretly

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Bit46, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. I moved into a new apartment and they’re pretty strict on smoking , so I bought a cheap vaporizer for gpen and it works pretty good but you can kind of still smell it & I can only get about 2 or 3 hits out of it before I have to pack it agian

    I get that it’s cheap and that’s probably why , I just want to know if it’s because I have a cheap one ? Do more expensive bigger ones work better and smell less ? And is it the best way to smoke inside without getting caught with the smell
  2. All vapes will produce some smell, but it is a smell that doesn't linger quite like smoke does. The gpen might even be burning your weed so you might be actually smoking anyway, 2-3 hits off any vape doesn't sound right.
  3. Well it’s a portable gpen very small so I kinda guessed it wouldn’t get a lot of hits , I bought that one cause I never used one before and I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on something that I wouldnt like & yeah I think it does burn it because when I press the button something gets hot and turns red inside like a coil or something
  4. The gpen is not a real vape. You're definitely combusting. There really is no true "vape pen" for herbs.

    Check out the fuck combustion. Com forums,they have a very extensive review and many threads for any vape imaginable. A proper vape is what you want to reduce smell
  5. I use the xmax v2 pro inside all the time with no issues. If you really cook the chamber it smells like burnt popcorn for maybe 30 minutes to an hour afterwards but there is no lingering smell after that. IMO the easiest way to vape inside is to bring it with you to take a dump, and turn the fan on lol the smell is covered

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