Hey! So, My roommates and I are eager to find a way to get stoned discreetly in our new "smoke-free" apartment. We usually smoke blunts on our 1st floor balcony, but it makes us too anxious. I understand that vaping wouldn't get rid of the smell of weed entirely, but would the smell be strong enough for our surrounding neighbors to smell it? I've heard that the smell dissipates quickly, but so many people say different things about it. Also, if vaping is the way to go, should we get e-liquid or stick to ground herbs for minimal odor?
Your neighbors won't smell it, I used to have a Snoop Dogg G pen, it used to smell but you couldn't smell it unless you came into my room
Nobody would smell it unless he/she walks into your room right after your session. So sit back, relax and vape hassle-free ;-)
Stick to herbs for minimal odor. Make sure that when you're vaping, that all of your windows are closed. When people above say to have at it and not be concerned, I have to add that that would be ok if it was just you vaping but you say that you and your roommates vape. If all of you partake at the same time, the smell could very well be an issue, especially if you are vaping very high quality herbs. Btw, also take into account how old your apartment is. If it is an older apartment with gaps either under your windows or exterior doors, or around an in-wall or in-window air conditioner, this could pose an issue as well.
Do you have access to concentrates? Dabbing is definitely one of the least smelly ways to consume and it dissipates pretty quickly, I dab in any hotel I stay in regardless if they have windows and have not had an issue. Vaping will definitely be a lot better than smoking, but even just opening a jar of really dank bud could possibly smelled outside your apartment
Nice! That's the same exact pen we were considering purchasing. Do you think febreeze would take care of the scent? Also, how long does the weed smell last? Sent from my SM-G950U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Nice! That's the same exact pen we were considering purchasing. Do you think febreeze would take care of the scent? Also, how long does the weed smell last? Sent from my SM-G950U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Nice! That's the same exact pen we were considering purchasing. Do you think febreeze would take care of the scent? Also, how long does the weed smell last? Sent from my SM-G950U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Nice! That's the same exact pen we were considering purchasing. Do you think febreeze would take care of the scent? Also, how long does the weed smell last? Sent from my SM-G950U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Fabreeze will get rid of the smell for sure, the smell lingered for about 20-30mins then went with the window open and spraying air freshner lol
Vaping gives off a slight odor in the immediate area but dissipates quickly like you said. The smell is also different than combusted herb, so even if someone did pick up on it, they probably wouldn't pick up that it was weed.
yeah my mother in law always comes to my place never smells anything she had a friend of hers tell her it smelled weed in my house i bet her friend uses to smell it... people smoke joints in smokefree appartment, because you usually dont smoke 30 a day like cigarettes even with joints the whole place wont get a totally smoky smell... with a vape , have a fan and a window open itll be gone in minutes/1-2 hour maybe at most
I have to travel at times and vape in hotel rooms. To avoid possible cleaning charges I just vape in the bathroom with the exhaust fan going, or I use a turkey bag to exhale into and then deflate it outside or into the bathroom vent.
I bought a Xmax v2 pro and have been using it in my apartment the past couple months, no complaints. My wife also hates the smell of weed and it hasn't been too bad. The smell dissipates pretty quick especially if you light a candle/incense. I would recommend finding an airtight box to keep your vape in though because it can make a room smell like straight bud if you leave it out.
I haven't used it in many years, but back in the day when my friends and I used to smoke a lot of weed, long before vapes even existed, Ozium was hands-down the best air cleaner for smoke. For vaping, I think that the Febreeze is probably good enough. If you want to be really sure, use Ozium. They sell it at my local Walgreens, I'm going to get a can one of these days.
if you wanna be safe, combine the vape with a sploof, thats how i achieved maximum stealth and never got caught. unfortunately the battery would run out on the gpen before i was really baked, so i switched over to dabbing. its not as stealth but i only do it once and am already stoned, the only noise is the torch but if you got an enail that would make you a dabbing ninja
Sploofs are no good. the chemicals in the dryer sheets can get inhaled and they are toxic! They make similar products that are toxin free. I believe "smoke buddy" is one of them.