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Vaping and Bud

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dbx64, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. A friend of mine told me that I should dry out my bud because it's better for vaping. To me, it seems like a good idea. Also, i'm vaping it in my MFLB. Just would like to know your guys opinions and thoughts.

    Also, how long will it take? I was wondering if there is a way I can speed up the process because I want to vape now... I was thinking a hair dryer?
  2. Dry bud is usually better then moist, sticky bud with the MFLB (or any other vape for that matter).
  3. Put the bud into the MFLB and take a drag... it'll dry it out.
  4. You can just leave a little nug out of the jar/bag/whatever for the night. Should be good to wake n' vape the next morning.

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