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Vaping an OGK Hermi: MMM works!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by v12v12, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. I was extremely fortunate to be given a free OG-Kush Hermi plant, with some nice little buddings, and of course seeds. No prob, free OGK seeds which more than likely will be female (from my research/exp), mmm GREAT! I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it after actually seeing it in person, which solidified my hopes of getting it; I'm gonna make QWISO from it. It's not going to be amazing (I'm real about it), but it should make something nice(r). Hell I'm feeling really buzzed from the bowl pictured below, and that wasn't even one of the better buds I've seen while trimming it...

    Here are some picks of the pile, before, and after; hope you enjoy, any positive thoughts, vibes and so forth, are welcomed! :D ...I'll post updates on the QWISO when it's finished.

    The PILE:

    The Bowl:

    Close up Buddie:

    The Finished Product:
    Oh BTW- Now that I've surprised myself from the potency of this freebie, I'm enjoying a little bit of these too! ;)



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