so im interested in buying a nice vape from my local head shop. while im livin with my parents while my apartment is being redone and they hate when i smoke in the house. ive smoked vapes before but when ever i did someone else was smoking a bong. so my question is do vapes smell when you exhale?
Depends what temperature you vape at, the higher the temperature and the more vapor, the more it smells. The smell doesnt linger very long and doesnt smell too much like weed. I have a V-Tower
mine kinda smells like popcorn when i exhale but noone has complained. maybe if the heat was tweaked a bit it could be made to not smell as strongly.
Honestly i always can smell if somebody is vaping, it does smell just not so much like weed and not as pungent. To me it smells faintly like burning rubber. Idk, hope this helps.
I find it's easier to cover up the smell from vaping. I also hold in my hits to prodiuce less smell, too.
It depends man, my Volcano will produce a lot of vapor and it can and will make my room smell. Before the Volcano we used a V-Tower Extreme and that never really made the room smell but it didn't produce as much vapor. Vapor smell and smoke smell are nothing alike and you can get rid of the smell of vaped cannabis much easier then smoke. But overall to answer your question there is definitely a reduced smell when vaping compared to smoking.
The things that cause in increase in smell with vapes are: The thicker the vapor hits, the more the smell The higher the temp is, the more the smell The higher the quality of your bud is, the more the smell. So, best thing to do is to load up the bowl with as less weed as you can, take small hits, and hold them for as long as you can. While there still may be a little smell, it is TONS less than you would get from any smoking device.
alright sounds good guys im pumped now i didnt think it would so if sprayed some axe or something like that it could eliminate the smell
haha a few of my friends say my vapor from my dabuddha smells like cotton candy im not really sure wat the smell is but its definitely nothin like smoke clears out within a minute too
you should also consider where you'll be storing your vape. If you get one with a whip, it starts to smell after you use it a lot. It's probably not hard to cover up, but still something to keep in mind.
I have Da Buddha and no smell whatsoever; although my sense of smell is dead when I smoke the herb, but my friends even couldn't tell I was smokin in my room so no smell
ight sounds good my local headshop gave me a deal on one for 65 pretty nice its got all digital readings