ive heard both very good and bad things about vapes. Most people say that it conserves weed, gets you higher and is easier on your lungs which it probably is but i was talking to my friend about buying one (ive never smoked in one) and he said i probably shouldnt.. he said that its alot different than smoking normaly and i probably wouldnt like it. I know its pretty much all personal preference but i haven't ever tried a vaporizer before and i was just wondering your alls opinion.
If you like sativa type highs, you'll love it. I've been vaping exclusively for 2 years. Don't try it once, and decide. It takes a week or so to adjust from that dirty high that you're used to. And if you are a connoisseur, you'll never look back, because the taste is incredible.
Vaporizers, even a cheap one like I have are more than worth it. Get one and you won't ever look back!
Absolutely not worth it for me. Have a Vapor Brothers that collects dust . I don't like the vape high, it feels like I'm being cheated..
my step brother who has been smoking for years and years prefers smoke to vapor. I try and tell him that you can taste the plant a lot better than you could by smoking it but he insists that he gets more flavor from smoking. I guess it all depends on what kind of person you are. Personally I love my vaporgenie. I vape every day, and I dont have to pack that much (about a .1 to .2) and I'm good to go. Nice clean high too.
best investment I have made in a long time. It will pay for itself very quickly with how much bud you save. The taste and the high to me are MUCH better than smoke....and I smoked for a loooooooooooong time.
This. Not saying mflb is bad at all, but if you're used to huge smoke-like rips, you may have the best luck with a whip style vape and I cannot recommend the ssv enough for this. For the record, there is more flavor in smoke as there are many more chemicals being combusted that add to that "smoke flavor". Vaping will just give you a more "kief-like" taste. Avoid Vapir products as they tend to cause people to never try Vaping again. It's definitely worth it as it is unlike anything you have currently, it's not like you're asking if a fourth bubbler s worth buying lol.
It takes about 0.4 g of some really good shit to get my friend and I extremely baked from a vaporizer. It's easy on the lungs. The only disadvantages are the taste and not being able to do smoke tricks. I would recommend getting one, if you're stingy, or if it's super hard to get away with smoking. I enjoy the experience of smoking, so I just stick to my papes and bowl. Smoke out of a vaporizer a couple of times, before actually purchasing one. It's all about preference, like most people said.
All pieces are good From Toro bongs, to inlined zongs, a bowl for the pipe, to the one rolled just right. It doesn't matter what you be smoking out of as long as you do it with peace and love.
Magic flight launch box is worth every single damn penny. I love mine to death and would cry if i had to part with it.. It goes every where with me.. You will be a happy customer also if you buy it.
OP, please get something better than the MFLB. I highly recommend the SSV, Purple Days, or the Zephyr Ion.
Go with a Da Buddha its made by the same company that makes ssv and they are cheaper (around 180) once i purchased it i stoped smoking when im at home.
It's very worth it IMO. I hate smoke and smoking so have pretty much eliminated that completely, only vaporization and ingestion. The upcoming VapeXhale looks like it has potential. Currently I'm running a Volcano after having come from a Vriptech heat gun setup. Both are far more enjoyable than any form of smoking for me.
How did you like your Vriptech? I also own a Volcano but I'd like to pick one of those things up, mostly because I wanna vape through my glass more easily. Is the hit quality up there with the Volcano?
How much did you pay for your vriptech? I've always been interested on those things it just seems they're super expensive but i've just seen them on alt... I would love for them to come out with the cloud now cuz i would buy one but i'm gonna drop some cash from my taxes on a vape when i get my return but i'm not down for waiting on the cloud.. I'm too impatient haha
Why do u say or if it's super hard to get away with smoking? I live with my parents n they dont want me smoking so i have to go outside to do it so i normaly either go in our shop or just out side somewhere and smoke a blunt or something.. What vapes would you guys suggest that would be decent for a price range of $50-100?