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Vaped weed joint

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sarkons, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. I've got alot and i felt like rolling some, not bad, got me pretty high.
    It tasted pretty bad but still doable.
  2. #2 ddog7x, Nov 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2012 story bro

    imature pointless posts are not tolerated..
    If you have nothing productive to add,..
    dont post
  3. Ah we call that the "poo joint" 3am weed...
  4. Lol, hey man though i should share my thoughts.
  5. Cool when I dry it poo joints or brownies or cookies
  6. vaped weed jays get me fuckin high.
  7. Why not just remove the bud from the paper or blunt wrap, and vape the plant material? If someone puts an actual roach in a vape they must be retarded, just empty the weed and put that in you don't need to be inhaling paper.
  8. [quote name='"burtontoker"']Why not just remove the bud from the paper or blunt wrap, and vape the plant material? If someone puts an actual roach in a vape they must be retarded, just empty the weed and put that in you don't need to be inhaling paper.[/quote]

    You're an idiot. He's not vaping the joint. He made a joint out of already vaped weed.
  9. That's how i conserve weed and money... I vape my weed, then smoke the vaped shit. Twice the high.
  10. I bet it tastes pretty bad though.
  11. Yeah man, bong hits all the way!
  12. I like to do that too
  13. Put a little kief in it and you're good to go!
  14. Vape twice, bake once.

    180C, 190C, canna butter/oil time. Next stop: edibles.

    I tried smoking once-vaped browns and never again. I found it rather harsh. Besides, it behoves the point of vaporizing for me -- a healthier method of ingestion.
  15. Yeah it doesn't have the best taste, but its an enjoyable high.
  16. Haha, I made a really fat abv joint and brought it to a party once. Everyone was going on about how 'smooth' my bud was - man were they drunk! :laughing:
  17. [quote name='"SativaShark"']Haha, I made a really fat abv joint and brought it to a party once. Everyone was going on about how 'smooth' my bud was - man were they drunk! :laughing:[/quote]

    Haha hell yeah, I like getting my friends to match or drop 5 and it's an abv blunt lol
  18. Now that's enterprising! :p
  19. Your better off making some quick firecrackers or cannabutter.
  20. Should make an edible...thats what I always do with mine. Heard abv tastes like shit smoked.

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