VaPe WaRs!!! ~~ ARIZER EX Q vs ZEPHYR ION ~~

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by nucan, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. ok ok so :smoke::smoke::smoke: The Extreme-Q Aromatherapy Vaporizer: Gateway
    or Zephyr Ion Vaporizer & Magic Flight Launch Box Vaporizer Package Deal plus FREE 2 PC PIRANHA GRINDER: Gateway

    I know that its a lot more expensive, and i could get the zephyr for 350. but ive always wanted a launch box for the portability. i just couldnt convince myself to spend the hundo when im still in the market for a real vape. knowhatimsayiN?

    Also, i should say that I want this for the bag option. I dont wanna deal with the tube etc. ive also seen in a vid the zephyr has a weird mouthpiece on it.. that you have to kiss to hit.. not what im used to, concave mouth pieces, but i dunno. im ABOUT to buy the zephyr ion with launch box.. but i decided to ask the blades first:wave:

    whatdya think?
  2. also, as far as the no tube aspect of the zephyr.. u could always throw a rubber tube around it and suck on that right??? i was just thinkin that cuz ill defiantly need someway to rig this to my bongs, lol... any thoughts on THAT! damn its like ive already decided... i guess im just makin sure that one isnt a complete POS before i go and waste a bunch of money.
  3. definately get the arizer!! theres not one bad thing i can say about it!
  4. not informed at all on the arizer, but def seasoned on the magic flight box; MOST DEF one of the most convenient and covert pieces i have
    when you finally get the flight box down in terms of technique, youll understand the name.
    imo the little sayings n shit engraved on the back are kinda ghey, but whatevz
    ive literally vaped all around campus with the little thing, if there was a word that was higher than high, i would higher-than-highly recommend the magic flight box yeeeeee

    In Indica We Can
  5. bleh, been researching all night.. arizer is nice for all the options.. seems like a lot of parts however.. also the glass bowls just seem like something to clean, as opposed to the zephyrs lil bowl thing. 3% defect rate on the zephyrs tho.. and id have to fashion a tube.. hmmm anything else??? oh yea.. free flightbox is still verryy tantalizing

    OH, a few of the vids ive watched of the zephyr ppl mention leaks.. coincidence?? or just effects of new vape/bag?? im sure thats when ppl bust out the cams anyways.. for the NEW vape.. or maybe its a lil leaky?? i dunno.
    the red screen turning to green when ready is pretty awesome tho, i dont see that ever getting old. lol

    and the arizer is good for huffin bags?

    im gonna wait til tommorrow to buy.. maybe the night will bring me wisdom
  6. Wow, thats a nifty package..the zephyr and magicflight deal. I'd say thats a great deal, it's almost 400 bucks but, a zephyr is about 360$... so your getting that grinder and the whole Magic Flight package for 30 bucks...which is a steal. Both companies have great customer service too. zephyr and magicflight

    The Arizer is good unit though, lots of a good reviews.
  7. Dude for real get the arizer. I got mine for $250 at the lhs, and you can get them for 200 online. It does both bags and whip, and comes with 2 of every glass piece in case you ever break anything. also it came with an extra gog fitting so it is ready to rip out of an 18.8 gong out of the box. Another nice feature is the fitting on the top of the whip can rotate 360 degrees so circular sessions are painless. BUT ALL I EVER USE ARE THE BAGS! Super dense vapor, makes me wonder why anyone would ever want to mess with a whip...

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